Changelog for package fanuc_cr35ia_support
0.5.1 (2021-04-02)
- bump min CMake version (#309).
- correct missing dependency on industrial_robot_client (RViz cfg) (#306).
- point to manifest for info on package contents (#292).
- remove roslaunch version requirements as they're no longer needed (#278).
- migrate to JSP GUI (was split out of JSP).
- for a complete list of changes see the commit log for 0.5.1.
0.5.0 (2019-09-25)
- first release of this package.
- make flange parent of tool0 (#271).
- harmonise pkg version numbers (#260).
- migrate CR-35iA support pkgs from experimental repository (#252).
- update xacro xmlns uri (#239).
- add 'support level' indicators (#232).
- use Jade+ xacro 'pi' constant instead of redefining it ourselves (#209).
- add XML schema processing instruction (#200).
- migrate to in-order processing of xacros.
- use 'xacro' instead of '' (#195).
- update colour to match real CR-35iA (#18).
- for a complete list of changes see the commit log for 0.5.0.