Example that shows how to control the Pioneer mobile robot by IBVS visual servoing with respect to a blob. The current visual features that are used are s = (x, log(Z/Z*)). The desired one are s* = (x*, 0), with:
The degrees of freedom that are controlled are (vx, wz), where wz is the rotational velocity and vx the translational velocity of the mobile platform at point M located at the middle between the two wheels.
The feature x allows to control wy, while log(Z/Z*) allows to control vz. The value of x is measured thanks to a blob tracker. The value of Z is estimated from the surface of the blob that is proportional to the depth Z.
#include <iostream>
#include <visp/vp1394TwoGrabber.h>
#include <visp/vpCameraParameters.h>
#include <visp/vpDisplayX.h>
#include <visp/vpDot2.h>
#include <visp/vpFeatureBuilder.h>
#include <visp/vpFeatureDepth.h>
#include <visp/vpFeaturePoint.h>
#include <visp/vpHomogeneousMatrix.h>
#include <visp/vpImage.h>
#include <visp/vpImageConvert.h>
#include <visp/vpRobotPioneer.h>
#include <visp/vpServo.h>
#include <visp/vpVelocityTwistMatrix.h>
#if defined( VISP_HAVE_DC1394_2 ) && defined( VISP_HAVE_X11 ) || defined( VISP_HAVE_PIONEER )
int argc,
char **argv )
vpImage< unsigned char > I;
double depth = 1.;
double lambda = 0.6;
double coef = 1. / 6.77;
vpRobotPioneer robot;
parser( &argc, argv );
ArRobotConnector robotConnector( &parser, &robot );
if ( !robotConnector.connectRobot() )
ArLog::log( ArLog::Terse,
"Could not connect to the robot." );
if ( parser.checkHelpAndWarnUnparsed() )
Aria::exit( 1 );
if ( !Aria::parseArgs() )
return false;
vpTime::sleepMs( 3000 );
std::cout << "Robot connected" << std::endl;
vpCameraParameters cam;
vp1394TwoGrabber g( false );
g.setVideoMode( vp1394TwoGrabber::vpVIDEO_MODE_640x480_MONO8 );
g.setFramerate( vp1394TwoGrabber::vpFRAMERATE_30 );
cam.initPersProjWithoutDistortion( 800, 795, 320, 216 );
g.acquire( I );
d( I, 10, 10,
"Current frame" );
vpDisplay::display( I );
vpDisplay::flush( I );
dot.setGraphics( true );
dot.setComputeMoments( true );
dot.setEllipsoidShapePrecision( 0. );
dot.setGrayLevelPrecision( 0.9 );
dot.setEllipsoidBadPointsPercentage( 0.5 );
dot.initTracking( I );
vpDisplay::flush( I );
vpServo task;
task.setServo( vpServo::EYEINHAND_L_cVe_eJe );
task.setInteractionMatrixType( vpServo::DESIRED, vpServo::PSEUDO_INVERSE );
task.setLambda( lambda );
vpVelocityTwistMatrix cVe;
cVe = robot.get_cVe();
task.set_cVe( cVe );
std::cout << "cVe: \n" << cVe << std::endl;
vpMatrix eJe;
robot.get_eJe( eJe );
task.set_eJe( eJe );
std::cout << "eJe: \n" << eJe << std::endl;
vpFeaturePoint s_x, s_xd;
vpFeatureBuilder::create( s_x, cam, dot );
s_xd.buildFrom( 0, 0, depth );
task.addFeature( s_x, s_xd );
vpFeatureDepth s_Z, s_Zd;
double surface = 1. /
sqrt( dot.m00 / ( cam.get_px() * cam.get_py() ) );
double Z, Zd;
Z = coef * surface;
Zd = Z;
std::cout << "Z " << Z << std::endl;
s_Z.buildFrom( s_x.get_x(), s_x.get_y(), Z, 0 );
s_Zd.buildFrom( s_x.get_x(), s_x.get_y(), Zd, 0 );
task.addFeature( s_Z, s_Zd );
vpColVector v;
while ( 1 )
g.acquire( I );
vpDisplay::display( I );
dot.track( I );
vpFeatureBuilder::create( s_x, cam, dot );
surface = 1. /
sqrt( dot.m00 / ( cam.get_px() * cam.get_py() ) );
Z = coef * surface;
s_Z.buildFrom( s_x.get_x(), s_x.get_y(), Z,
log( Z / Zd ) );
robot.get_cVe( cVe );
task.set_cVe( cVe );
robot.get_eJe( eJe );
task.set_eJe( eJe );
v = task.computeControlLaw();
std::cout << "Send velocity to the pionner: " << v[0] << " m/s " << vpMath::deg( v[1] ) << " deg/s" << std::endl;
robot.setVelocity( vpRobot::REFERENCE_FRAME, v );
vpDisplay::displayLine( I, 0, 320, 479, 320, vpColor::red );
vpDisplay::flush( I );
if ( vpDisplay::getClick( I, false ) )
std::cout << "Ending robot thread..." << std::endl;
catch ( vpException e )
std::cout << "Catch an exception: " << e << std::endl;
return 1;
std::cout << "You don't have the right 3rd party libraries to run this example..." << std::endl;