tf (Python)

exception Exception

base class for tf exceptions. Because tf.Exception is the base class for other exceptions, you can catch all tf exceptions by writing:

    # do some tf work
except tf.Exception:
    print "some tf exception happened"
exception ConnectivityException

subclass of Exception. Raised when that the fixed_frame tree is not connected between the frames requested.

exception LookupException

subclass of Exception. Raised when a tf method has attempted to access a frame, but the frame is not in the graph. The most common reason for this is that the frame is not being published, or a parent frame was not set correctly causing the tree to be broken.

exception ExtrapolationException

subclass of Exception Raised when a tf method would have required extrapolation beyond current limits.


class tf.Transformer(interpolating, cache_time = rospy.Duration(10))
  • interpolating – Whether to interpolate transformations.
  • cache_time – how long tf should retain transformation information in the past.

The Transformer object is the core of tf. It maintains a time-varying graph of transforms, and permits asynchronous graph modification and queries:

>>> import rospy
>>> import tf
>>> import geometry_msgs.msg
>>> t = tf.Transformer(True, rospy.Duration(10.0))
>>> t.getFrameStrings()
>>> m = geometry_msgs.msg.TransformStamped()
>>> m.header.frame_id = 'THISFRAME'
>>> m.child_frame_id = 'CHILD'
>>> m.transform.translation.x = 2.71828183
>>> m.transform.rotation.w = 1.0
>>> t.setTransform(m)
>>> t.getFrameStrings()
>>> t.lookupTransform('THISFRAME', 'CHILD', rospy.Time(0))
((2.71828183, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
>>> t.lookupTransform('CHILD', 'THISFRAME', rospy.Time(0))
((-2.71828183, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))

The transformer refers to frames using strings, and represents transformations using translation (x, y, z) and quaternions (x, y, z, w) expressed as Python a tuple. Transformer also does not mandate any particular linear algebra library. Transformer does not handle ROS messages directly; the only ROS type it uses is rospy.Time().

To use tf with ROS messages, see TransformerROS and TransformListener.

allFramesAsDot() → string

Returns a string representing all frames, intended for use with Graphviz.

allFramesAsString() → string

Returns a human-readable string representing all frames

setTransform(transform, authority = "")
  • transform – transform object, see below
  • authority – string giving authority for this transformation.

Adds a new transform to the Transformer graph. transform is an object with the following structure:

    stamp             time stamp, rospy.Time
    frame_id          string, parent frame
child_frame_id        string, child frame
        x             float
        y             float
        z             float
        x             float
        y             float
        z             float
        w             float

These members exactly match those of a ROS TransformStamped message.

waitForTransform(target_frame, source_frame, time, timeout, polling_sleep_duration = rospy.Duration(0.01))
  • target_frame – transformation target frame in tf, string
  • source_frame – transformation source frame in tf, string
  • time – time of the transformation, use rospy.Time() to indicate present time.
  • timeout – how long this call should block while waiting for the transform, as a rospy.Duration


Waits for the given transformation to become available. If the timeout occurs before the transformation becomes available, raises tf.Exception.

waitForTransformFull(target_frame, target_time, source_frame, source_time, fixed_frame)
  • target_frame – transformation target frame in tf, string
  • target_time – time of transformation in target_frame, a rospy.Time
  • source_frame – transformation source frame in tf, string
  • source_time – time of transformation in target_frame, a rospy.Time
  • fixed_frame – reference frame common to both target_frame and source_frame.
  • timeout – how long this call should block while waiting for the transform, as a rospy.Duration


Extended version of waitForTransform().

canTransform(target_frame, source_frame, time) → bool
  • target_frame – transformation target frame in tf, string
  • source_frame – transformation source frame in tf, string
  • time – time of the transformation, use rospy.Time() to indicate present time.

Returns True if the Transformer can determine the transform from source_frame to target_frame at time.

canTransformFull(target_frame, target_time, source_frame, source_time, fixed_frame) → bool

Extended version of canTransform().

chain(target_frame, target_time, source_frame, source_time, fixed_frame) → list
  • target_frame – transformation target frame in tf, string
  • target_time – time of transformation in target_frame, a rospy.Time
  • source_frame – transformation source frame in tf, string
  • source_time – time of transformation in target_frame, a rospy.Time
  • fixed_frame – reference frame common to both target_frame and source_frame.

list of tf frames


tf.ConnectivityException, tf.LookupException

returns the chain of frames connecting source_frame to target_frame.

clear() → None

Clear all transformations.

frameExists(frame_id) → Bool
Parameters:frame_id – a tf frame, string

returns True if frame frame_id exists in the Transformer.

getFrameStrings -> list

returns all frame names in the Transformer as a list.

getLatestCommonTime(source_frame, target_frame) → time
  • target_frame – transformation target frame in tf, string
  • source_frame – transformation source frame in tf, string

a rospy.Time for the most recent time at which the transform is available



Determines the most recent time for which Transformer can compute the transform between the two given frames. Raises tf.Exception if transformation is not possible.

lookupTransform(target_frame, source_frame, time) -> (position, quaternion)
  • target_frame – transformation target frame in tf, string
  • source_frame – transformation source frame in tf, string
  • time – time of the transformation, use rospy.Time() to indicate most recent common time.

position as a translation (x, y, z) and orientation as a quaternion (x, y, z, w)


tf.ConnectivityException, tf.LookupException, or tf.ExtrapolationException

Returns the transform from source_frame to target_frame at time. Raises one of the exceptions if the transformation is not possible.

Note that a time of zero means latest common time, so:

t.lookupTransform("a", "b", rospy.Time())

is equivalent to:

t.lookupTransform("a", "b", t.getLatestCommonTime("a", "b"))
lookupTransformFull(target_frame, target_time, source_frame, source_time, fixed_frame) → position, quaternion
  • target_frame – transformation target frame in tf, string
  • target_time – time of transformation in target_frame, a rospy.Time
  • source_frame – transformation source frame in tf, string
  • source_time – time of transformation in target_frame, a rospy.Time
  • fixed_frame – reference frame common to both target_frame and source_frame.

tf.ConnectivityException, tf.LookupException, or tf.ExtrapolationException

Extended version of lookupTransform().

lookupTwist(tracking_frame, observation_frame, time, averaging_interval) → linear, angular
  • tracking_frame (str) – The frame to track
  • observation_frame (str) – The frame from which to measure the twist
  • time (rospy.Time) – The time at which to get the velocity
  • duration (rospy.Duration) – The period over which to average

a tuple with linear velocity as (x, y, z) and angular velocity as (x, y, z)


tf.ConnectivityException, tf.LookupException, or tf.ExtrapolationException

Simplified version of tf.lookupTwistFull().

Return the linear and angular velocity of the moving_frame in the reference_frame. tf considers time - duration / 2 to time + duration / 2 as the initial interval, and will shift by up to duration / 2 to avoid no data.

New in version 1.1.

lookupTwistFull(tracking_frame, observation_frame, reference_frame, reference_point, reference_point_frame, time, averaging_interval) → linear, angular
  • tracking_frame (str) – The frame to track
  • observation_frame (str) – The frame from which to measure the twist
  • reference_frame (str) – The reference frame in which to express the twist
  • reference_point (x, y, z) – The reference point with which to express the twist
  • reference_point_frame (str) – The frame_id in which the reference point is expressed
  • time (rospy.Time) – The time at which to get the velocity
  • duration (rospy.Duration) – The period over which to average

a tuple with linear velocity as (x, y, z) and angular velocity as (x, y, z)


tf.ConnectivityException, tf.LookupException, or tf.ExtrapolationException

Return the linear and angular velocity of the moving_frame in the reference_frame. tf considers time - duration / 2 to time + duration / 2 as the initial interval, and will shift by up to duration / 2 to avoid no data.

New in version 1.1.

getTFPrefix() → str
Returns:the TF Prefix that the transformer is running with

Returns the tf_prefix this transformer is running with.


class tf.TransformerROS(interpolate=True, cache_time=None)

TransformerROS extends the base class tf.Transformer, adding methods for handling ROS messages.

asMatrix(target_frame, hdr)
  • target_frame – the tf target frame, a string
  • hdr – a message header

a numpy.matrix 4x4 representation of the transform


any of the exceptions that lookupTransform() can raise

Uses lookupTransform() to look up the transform for ROS message header hdr to frame target_frame, and returns the transform as a numpy.matrix 4x4.

fromTranslationRotation(translation, rotation)
  • translation – translation expressed as a tuple (x,y,z)
  • rotation – rotation quaternion expressed as a tuple (x,y,z,w)

a numpy.matrix 4x4 representation of the transform


any of the exceptions that lookupTransform() can raise

Converts a transformation from tf.Transformer into a representation as a 4x4 matrix.

transformPoint(target_frame, ps)
  • target_frame – the tf target frame, a string
  • ps – the geometry_msgs.msg.PointStamped message

new geometry_msgs.msg.PointStamped message, in frame target_frame


any of the exceptions that lookupTransform() can raise

Transforms a geometry_msgs PointStamped message to frame target_frame, returns a new PointStamped message.

transformPointCloud(target_frame, point_cloud)
  • target_frame – the tf target frame, a string
  • ps – the sensor_msgs.msg.PointCloud message

new sensor_msgs.msg.PointCloud message, in frame target_frame


any of the exceptions that lookupTransform() can raise

Transforms a geometry_msgs PoseStamped message to frame target_frame, returns a new PoseStamped message.

transformPose(target_frame, ps)
  • target_frame – the tf target frame, a string
  • ps – the geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped message

new geometry_msgs.msg.PoseStamped message, in frame target_frame


any of the exceptions that lookupTransform() can raise

Transforms a geometry_msgs PoseStamped message to frame target_frame, returns a new PoseStamped message.

transformQuaternion(target_frame, ps)
  • target_frame – the tf target frame, a string
  • ps – the geometry_msgs.msg.QuaternionStamped message

new geometry_msgs.msg.QuaternionStamped message, in frame target_frame


any of the exceptions that lookupTransform() can raise

Transforms a geometry_msgs QuaternionStamped message to frame target_frame, returns a new QuaternionStamped message.

transformVector3(target_frame, v3s)
  • target_frame – the tf target frame, a string
  • v3s – the geometry_msgs.msg.Vector3Stamped message

new geometry_msgs.msg.Vector3Stamped message, in frame target_frame


any of the exceptions that lookupTransform() can raise

Transforms a geometry_msgs Vector3Stamped message to frame target_frame, returns a new Vector3Stamped message.


class tf.TransformListener(*args, **kwargs)

TransformListener is a subclass of tf.TransformerROS that subscribes to the "/tf" message topic, and calls tf.Transformer.setTransform() with each incoming transformation message.

In this way a TransformListener object automatically stays up to to date with all current transforms. Typical usage might be:

import tf
from geometry_msgs.msg import PointStamped

class MyNode:

    def __init__(self): = tf.TransformListener()
        rospy.Subscriber("/sometopic", PointStamped, self.some_message_handler)
    def some_message_handler(self, point_stamped):

        # want to work on the point in the "world" frame
        point_in_world ="world", point_stamped)


class tf.TransformBroadcaster(queue_size=100)

TransformBroadcaster is a convenient way to send transformation updates on the "/tf" message topic.

sendTransform(translation, rotation, time, child, parent)
  • translation – the translation of the transformtion as a tuple (x, y, z)
  • rotation – the rotation of the transformation as a tuple (x, y, z, w)
  • time – the time of the transformation, as a rospy.Time()
  • child – child frame in tf, string
  • parent – parent frame in tf, string

Broadcast the transformation from tf frame child to parent on ROS topic "/tf".

Parameters:transform – geometry_msgs.msg.TransformStamped

Broadcast the transformation from tf frame child to parent on ROS topic "/tf".