This is the complete list of members for rtabmap_ros::StaticLayer, including all inherited members.
activate() | rtabmap_ros::StaticLayer | virtual |
addExtraBounds(double mx0, double my0, double mx1, double my1) | costmap_2d::CostmapLayer | |
cellDistance(double world_dist) | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | |
clearArea(int start_x, int start_y, int end_x, int end_y) | costmap_2d::CostmapLayer | virtual |
convexFillCells(const std::vector< MapLocation > &polygon, std::vector< MapLocation > &polygon_cells) | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | |
copyCostmapWindow(const Costmap2D &map, double win_origin_x, double win_origin_y, double win_size_x, double win_size_y) | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | |
copyMapRegion(data_type *source_map, unsigned int sm_lower_left_x, unsigned int sm_lower_left_y, unsigned int sm_size_x, data_type *dest_map, unsigned int dm_lower_left_x, unsigned int dm_lower_left_y, unsigned int dm_size_x, unsigned int region_size_x, unsigned int region_size_y) | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | protected |
Costmap2D(unsigned int cells_size_x, unsigned int cells_size_y, double resolution, double origin_x, double origin_y, unsigned char default_value=0) | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | |
Costmap2D(const Costmap2D &map) | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | |
Costmap2D() | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | |
costmap_ | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | protected |
CostmapLayer() | costmap_2d::CostmapLayer | |
current_ | costmap_2d::Layer | protected |
deactivate() | rtabmap_ros::StaticLayer | virtual |
default_value_ | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | protected |
deleteMaps() | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | protectedvirtual |
dsrv_ | rtabmap_ros::StaticLayer | private |
enabled_ | costmap_2d::Layer | protected |
getCharMap() const | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | |
getCost(unsigned int mx, unsigned int my) const | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | |
getDefaultValue() | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | |
getFootprint() const | costmap_2d::Layer | |
getIndex(unsigned int mx, unsigned int my) const | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | |
getMutex() | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | |
getName() const | costmap_2d::Layer | |
getOriginX() const | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | |
getOriginY() const | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | |
getResolution() const | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | |
getSizeInCellsX() const | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | |
getSizeInCellsY() const | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | |
getSizeInMetersX() const | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | |
getSizeInMetersY() const | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | |
global_frame_ | rtabmap_ros::StaticLayer | private |
has_extra_bounds_ | costmap_2d::CostmapLayer | protected |
has_updated_data_ | rtabmap_ros::StaticLayer | private |
height_ | rtabmap_ros::StaticLayer | private |
incomingMap(const nav_msgs::OccupancyGridConstPtr &new_map) | rtabmap_ros::StaticLayer | private |
incomingUpdate(const map_msgs::OccupancyGridUpdateConstPtr &update) | rtabmap_ros::StaticLayer | private |
indexToCells(unsigned int index, unsigned int &mx, unsigned int &my) const | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | |
initialize(LayeredCostmap *parent, std::string name, tf2_ros::Buffer *tf) | costmap_2d::Layer | |
initMaps(unsigned int size_x, unsigned int size_y) | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | protectedvirtual |
interpretValue(unsigned char value) | rtabmap_ros::StaticLayer | private |
isCurrent() const | costmap_2d::Layer | |
isDiscretized() | costmap_2d::CostmapLayer | |
Layer() | costmap_2d::Layer | |
layered_costmap_ | costmap_2d::Layer | protected |
lethal_threshold_ | rtabmap_ros::StaticLayer | private |
lock_ | rtabmap_ros::StaticLayer | mutableprivate |
map_received_ | rtabmap_ros::StaticLayer | private |
map_sub_ | rtabmap_ros::StaticLayer | private |
map_update_sub_ | rtabmap_ros::StaticLayer | private |
mapToWorld(unsigned int mx, unsigned int my, double &wx, double &wy) const | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | |
matchSize() | rtabmap_ros::StaticLayer | virtual |
mutex_t typedef | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | |
name_ | costmap_2d::Layer | protected |
onFootprintChanged() | costmap_2d::Layer | virtual |
onInitialize() | rtabmap_ros::StaticLayer | virtual |
operator=(const Costmap2D &map) | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | |
origin_x_ | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | protected |
origin_y_ | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | protected |
polygonOutlineCells(const std::vector< MapLocation > &polygon, std::vector< MapLocation > &polygon_cells) | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | |
raytraceLine(ActionType at, unsigned int x0, unsigned int y0, unsigned int x1, unsigned int y1, unsigned int max_length=UINT_MAX) | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | protected |
reconfigureCB(costmap_2d::GenericPluginConfig &config, uint32_t level) | rtabmap_ros::StaticLayer | private |
reset() | rtabmap_ros::StaticLayer | virtual |
resetMap(unsigned int x0, unsigned int y0, unsigned int xn, unsigned int yn) | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | |
resetMaps() | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | protectedvirtual |
resizeMap(unsigned int size_x, unsigned int size_y, double resolution, double origin_x, double origin_y) | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | |
resolution_ | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | protected |
saveMap(std::string file_name) | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | |
setConvexPolygonCost(const std::vector< geometry_msgs::Point > &polygon, unsigned char cost_value) | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | |
setCost(unsigned int mx, unsigned int my, unsigned char cost) | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | |
setDefaultValue(unsigned char c) | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | |
size_x_ | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | protected |
size_y_ | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | protected |
StaticLayer() | rtabmap_ros::StaticLayer | |
subscribe_to_updates_ | rtabmap_ros::StaticLayer | private |
tf_ | costmap_2d::Layer | protected |
touch(double x, double y, double *min_x, double *min_y, double *max_x, double *max_y) | costmap_2d::CostmapLayer | protected |
track_unknown_space_ | rtabmap_ros::StaticLayer | private |
trinary_costmap_ | rtabmap_ros::StaticLayer | private |
unknown_cost_value_ | rtabmap_ros::StaticLayer | private |
updateBounds(double robot_x, double robot_y, double robot_yaw, double *min_x, double *min_y, double *max_x, double *max_y) | rtabmap_ros::StaticLayer | virtual |
updateCosts(costmap_2d::Costmap2D &master_grid, int min_i, int min_j, int max_i, int max_j) | rtabmap_ros::StaticLayer | virtual |
updateOrigin(double new_origin_x, double new_origin_y) | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | virtual |
updateWithAddition(costmap_2d::Costmap2D &master_grid, int min_i, int min_j, int max_i, int max_j) | costmap_2d::CostmapLayer | protected |
updateWithMax(costmap_2d::Costmap2D &master_grid, int min_i, int min_j, int max_i, int max_j) | costmap_2d::CostmapLayer | protected |
updateWithOverwrite(costmap_2d::Costmap2D &master_grid, int min_i, int min_j, int max_i, int max_j) | costmap_2d::CostmapLayer | protected |
updateWithTrueOverwrite(costmap_2d::Costmap2D &master_grid, int min_i, int min_j, int max_i, int max_j) | costmap_2d::CostmapLayer | protected |
use_maximum_ | rtabmap_ros::StaticLayer | private |
useExtraBounds(double *min_x, double *min_y, double *max_x, double *max_y) | costmap_2d::CostmapLayer | protected |
width_ | rtabmap_ros::StaticLayer | private |
worldToMap(double wx, double wy, unsigned int &mx, unsigned int &my) const | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | |
worldToMapEnforceBounds(double wx, double wy, int &mx, int &my) const | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | |
worldToMapNoBounds(double wx, double wy, int &mx, int &my) const | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | |
x_ | rtabmap_ros::StaticLayer | private |
y_ | rtabmap_ros::StaticLayer | private |
~Costmap2D() | costmap_2d::Costmap2D | virtual |
~Layer() | costmap_2d::Layer | virtual |
~StaticLayer() | rtabmap_ros::StaticLayer | virtual |