This is the complete list of members for vertigo::BetweenFactorSwitchableLinear< VALUE >, including all inherited members.
betweenFactor | vertigo::BetweenFactorSwitchableLinear< VALUE > | private |
BetweenFactorSwitchableLinear() | vertigo::BetweenFactorSwitchableLinear< VALUE > | inline |
BetweenFactorSwitchableLinear(gtsam::Key key1, gtsam::Key key2, gtsam::Key key3, const VALUE &measured, const gtsam::SharedNoiseModel &model) | vertigo::BetweenFactorSwitchableLinear< VALUE > | inline |
evaluateError(const VALUE &p1, const VALUE &p2, const SwitchVariableLinear &s, boost::optional< gtsam::Matrix &> H1=boost::none, boost::optional< gtsam::Matrix &> H2=boost::none, boost::optional< gtsam::Matrix &> H3=boost::none) const | vertigo::BetweenFactorSwitchableLinear< VALUE > | inline |