Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Written by Phillip Sitbon
3 // Copyright 2003
4 //
5 // Win32.h
6 // - Windows includes
7 //
9 #ifndef _U_Win32_
10 #define _U_Win32_
14  #if !defined(_WINDOWS_)
15  // WIN32 Excludes
16  #ifdef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
17  # define VC_EXTRALEAN
18  # define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
19  # define _PRSHT_H_
20  # define NOGDICAPMASKS // CC_*, LC_*, PC_*, CP_*, TC_*, RC_
21  # define NOVIRTUALKEYCODES // VK_*
22  # define NOWINMESSAGES // WM_*, EM_*, LB_*, CB_*
23  # define NOWINSTYLES // WS_*, CS_*, ES_*, LBS_*, SBS_*, CBS_*
24  # define NOSYSMETRICS // SM_*
25  # define NOMENUS // MF_*
26  # define NOICONS // IDI_*
27  # define NOKEYSTATES // MK_*
28  # define NOSYSCOMMANDS // SC_*
29  # define NORASTEROPS // Binary and Tertiary raster ops
30  # define NOSHOWWINDOW // SW_*
31  # define OEMRESOURCE // OEM Resource values
32  # define NOATOM // Atom Manager routines
33  # define NOCLIPBOARD // Clipboard routines
34  # define NOCOLOR // Screen colors
35  # define NOCTLMGR // Control and Dialog routines
36  # define NODRAWTEXT // DrawText() and DT_*
37  # define NOGDI // All GDI defines and routines
38  # define NOKERNEL // All KERNEL defines and routines
39  # define NOUSER // All USER defines and routines
40  # define NONLS // All NLS defines and routines
41  # define NOMB // MB_* and MessageBox()
42  # define NOMEMMGR // GMEM_*, LMEM_*, GHND, LHND, associated routines
43  # define NOMETAFILE // typedef METAFILEPICT
44  # define NOMINMAX // Macros min(a,b) and max(a,b)
45  # define NOMSG // typedef MSG and associated routines
46  # define NOOPENFILE // OpenFile(), OemToAnsi, AnsiToOem, and OF_*
47  # define NOSCROLL // SB_* and scrolling routines
48  # define NOSERVICE // All Service Controller routines, SERVICE_ equates, etc.
49  # define NOSOUND // Sound driver routines
50  # define NOTEXTMETRIC // typedef TEXTMETRIC and associated routines
51  # define NOWH // SetWindowsHook and WH_*
52  # define NOWINOFFSETS // GWL_*, GCL_*, associated routines
53  # define NOCOMM // COMM driver routines
54  # define NOKANJI // Kanji support stuff.
55  # define NOHELP // Help engine interface.
56  # define NOPROFILER // Profiler interface.
57  # define NODEFERWINDOWPOS // DeferWindowPos routines
58  # define NOMCX // Modem Configuration Extensions
59  #endif // WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
60  //
61  # include <windows.h>
62  #endif
64 #endif // !_U_Win32_

Author(s): Mathieu Labbe
autogenerated on Mon Jan 23 2023 03:38:58