Package rostopic

Package rostopic

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int(x=0) -> int or long int(x, base=10) -> int or long
Base exception class of rostopic-related errors
rostopic errors related to network I/O failures
ROSTopicHz receives messages for a topic and computes frequency stats
Callback instance that can print callback data in a variety of formats.
Generates a function that returns the relevant field(s) (aka 'subtopic(s)') of a Message object :param pattern: subtopic, e.g.
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get_topic_type(topic, blocking=False)
Get the topic type.
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get_topic_class(topic, blocking=False)
Get the topic message class :returns: message class for topic, real topic name, and function for evaluating message objects into the subtopic (or ``None``).
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get_api(master, caller_id)
Get XML-RPC API of node :param master: XML-RPC handle to ROS Master, :class:`xmlrpclib.ServerProxy` :param caller_id: node name, ``str`` :returns: XML-RPC URI of node, ``str`` :raises: :exc:`ROSTopicIOException` If unable to communicate with master
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get_topic_list(master=None) source code
Get human-readable topic description
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create_value_transform(echo_nostr, echo_noarr) source code
create_field_filter(echo_nostr, echo_noarr) source code
Lookup topics by topic_type :param topic_type: type of topic to find, ``str`` :returns: list of topic names that use topic_type, ``[str]``
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create_publisher(topic_name, topic_type, latch, disable_rostime=True)
Create rospy.Publisher instance from the string topic name and type.
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publish_message(pub, msg_class, pub_args, rate=None, once=False, verbose=False, substitute_keywords=False)
Create new instance of msg_class, populate with pub_args, and publish.
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:param filename: file name, ``str`` :returns: Iterator that yields pub args (list of args), ``iterator`` :raises: :exc:`ROSTopicException` If filename is invalid
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argv_publish(pub, msg_class, pub_args, rate, once, verbose, substitute_keywords=False) source code
wait_for_subscriber(pub, timeout) source code
param_publish_once(pub, msg_class, param_name, verbose) source code
param_publish(pub, msg_class, param_name, rate, verbose)
:param param_name: ROS parameter name, ``str`` :returns: List of msg dicts in file, ``[{str: any}]`` :raises: :exc:`ROSTopicException` If parameter is not set
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stdin_publish(pub, msg_class, rate, once, filename, verbose)
:param filename: name of file to read from instead of stdin, or ``None``, ``str``
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Iterate over YAML documents in stdin :returns: for next list of arguments on stdin.
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rostopicmain(argv=None) source code
  NAME = 'rostopic'
  __package__ = 'rostopic'
Function Details


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Generates a function that returns the relevant field(s) (aka 'subtopic(s)') of a Message object :param pattern: subtopic, e.g. /x[2:]/y[:-1]/z, ``str`` :returns: function that converts a message into the desired value, ``fn(Message) -> value``

get_topic_type(topic, blocking=False)

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Get the topic type.

:param topic: topic name, ``str``
:param blocking: (default False) block until topic becomes available, ``bool``

:returns: topic type, real topic name and fn to evaluate the message instance
  if the topic points to a field within a topic, e.g. /rosout/msg. fn is None otherwise. ``(str, str, fn)``
:raises: :exc:`ROSTopicException` If master cannot be contacted

get_topic_class(topic, blocking=False)

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Get the topic message class
:returns: message class for topic, real topic
  name, and function for evaluating message objects into the subtopic
  (or ``None``). ``(Message, str, str)``
:raises: :exc:`ROSTopicException` If topic type cannot be determined or loaded


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Get human-readable topic description

:param topic: topic name, ``str``

create_publisher(topic_name, topic_type, latch, disable_rostime=True)

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Create rospy.Publisher instance from the string topic name and type. This is a powerful method as it allows creation of rospy.Publisher and Message instances using the topic and type names. This enables more dynamic publishing from Python programs.

:param topic_name: name of topic, ``str`` :param topic_type: name of topic type, ``str`` :param latch: latching topic, ``bool`` :param latch: disable_rostime: whether to disable rostime (use walltime instead), ``bool`` :returns: topic :class:`rospy.Publisher`, :class:`Message` class

publish_message(pub, msg_class, pub_args, rate=None, once=False, verbose=False, substitute_keywords=False)

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Create new instance of msg_class, populate with pub_args, and publish. This may print output to screen.

:param pub: :class:`rospy.Publisher` instance for topic :param msg_class: Message type, ``Class`` :param pub_args: Arguments to initialize message that is published, ``[val]`` :param rate: publishing rate (hz) or None for just once, ``int`` :param once: publish only once and return, ``bool`` :param verbose: If ``True``, print more verbose output to stdout, ``bool``


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Iterate over YAML documents in stdin :returns: for next list of arguments on stdin. Iterator returns a list of args for each call, ``iterator``