Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CDurationDuration representation for use with the Time class
 CDurationBaseBase class for Duration implementations. Provides storage, common functions and operator overloads. This should not need to be used directly
 CNoHighPerformanceTimersExceptionThrown if windows high perf. timestamping is unavailable
 CRateClass to help run loops at a desired frequency
 CSteadyTimeTime representation. Always steady-clock time
 CTimeTime representation. May either represent wall clock time or ROS clock time
 CTimeBaseBase class for Time implementations. Provides storage, common functions and operator overloads. This should not need to be used directly
 CTimeNotInitializedExceptionThrown if the ros subsystem hasn't been initialised before use
 CWallDurationDuration representation for use with the WallTime class
 CWallRateClass to help run loops at a desired frequency. This version always uses wall-clock time
 CWallTimeTime representation. Always wall-clock time

Author(s): Josh Faust
autogenerated on Mon Feb 28 2022 23:31:37