========== Xml Format ========== Naming ====== By convention ``rocon_launch`` files are named with the extension ``.concert``. These are able to be tab-completed on the command line when executing ``rocon_launch``. Tags ==== concert ------- **Attributes** None **Elements** * <:ref:`launch-section-label`> - describe a roslaunch environment * <:ref:`arg-section-label`> - declare a roslaunch style argument_. .. _launch-section-label: launch ------ **Attributes** * *title* - string to use to set the title of the terminal in the window decoration, this helps you quickly identify windows when tabbing through them. * *package* - name of the package in which the roslaunch file can be found (optional) * *name* - name of the roslaunch file to execute (if no package, then this must be a full path to the roslauncher) * *port* - identifies which ros master to roslaunch in (i.e. ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:_port_) **Elements** * <:ref:`arg-section-label`> - pass an argument into the roslauncher. .. _arg-section-label: arg --- **Usage** This tag has exactly the same properties as the roslaunch `arg `_ tag. They can be used in one of three ways :: Declares the existence of foo. foo must be passed in either as a command-line argument (if top-level) or via passing (if included). :: Declares foo with a default value. foo can be overriden by command-line argument (if top-level) or via passing (if included). :: Declares foo with constant value. The value for foo cannot be overridden. This usage enables internal parameterization of a launch file without exposing that parameterization at higher levels. **Attributes** * *name* - name of th argument * *default* - default value (optional) * *value* - argument value, cannot be defined with the default attribute (optional) **Elements** None .. _argument : http://wiki.ros.org/roslaunch/XML/arg Examples ======== Single master multi-launcher running talker in one window and listener in another. The topic name can be pre-configured via the ``topic_name`` arg. .. code-block:: xml :linenos: A multi-master chatter concert: .. code-block:: xml :linenos: