File: rc_pick_client/SuctionGrasp.msg
Raw Message Definition
# Definition of a suction grasp for the itempick component
string uuid
# Optional
string item_uuid
# The grasp orientation is defined such that:
# - the z axis is the normal of the surface at the grasp position
# - the x axis is directed along the direction of maximum elongation of the surface
# - the y axis is selected to form a right-handed coordinate system
geometry_msgs/PoseStamped pose
# Optional. The quality of the grasp (between 0 and 1)
float64 quality
# Optional. The axis lengths of the biggest ellipse inscribed on the suction surface
float64 max_suction_surface_length
float64 max_suction_surface_width
Compact Message Definition
string uuid
string item_uuid
geometry_msgs/PoseStamped pose
float64 quality
float64 max_suction_surface_length
float64 max_suction_surface_width