octovis Documentation

libQGLViewer is a free C++ library based on Qt that enables the quick creation of OpenGL 3D viewers. It features a powerful camera trackball and simple applications simply require an implementation of the draw() method. This makes it a tool of choice for OpenGL beginners and assignments. It provides screenshot saving, mouse manipulated frames, stereo display, interpolated keyFrames, object selection, and much more. It is fully customizable and easy to extend to create complex applications, with a possible Qt GUI.

libQGLViewer is not a 3D viewer that can be used directly to view 3D scenes in various formats. It is more likely to be the starting point for the coding of such a viewer.

libQGLViewer is based on the Qt toolkit and hence compiles on any architecture (Unix-Linux, Mac, Windows, ...). Full reference documentation and many examples are provided.

See the project main page for details on the project and installation steps.

Author(s): Kai M. Wurm , Armin Hornung
autogenerated on Mon Feb 28 2022 22:58:17