Package node_manager_fkie :: Module master_view_proxy :: Class MasterViewProxy
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Class MasterViewProxy

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python_qt_binding.QtWidgets.QWidget --+

This class stores the informations about a ROS master and shows it on request.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, masteruri, parent=None)
Creates a new master.
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stop(self) source code
current_user(self, user) source code
is_local(self) source code
online(self, state) source code
master_state(self, master_state) source code
master_info(self, master_info)
Sets the new master information.
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use_sim_time(self) source code
in_process(self) source code
force_next_update(self) source code
update_system_parameter(self) source code
markNodesAsDuplicateOf(self, running_nodes)
Marks all nodes, which are not running and in a given list as a duplicates nodes.
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Returns the list with all running nodes, which are registered by this ROS master.
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getRunningNodesIfLocal(self, remove_system_nodes=False)
Returns the list with all running nodes, which are running (has process) on this host.
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updateRunningNodesInModel(self, master_info)
Creates the dictionary with ExtendedNodeInfo objects and updates the nodes view.
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getNode(self, node_name)
Returns: The list the nodes with given name.
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updateButtons(self, selected_nodes=None)
Updates the enable state of the buttons depending of the selection and running state of the selected node.
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hasLaunchfile(self, path)
Returns: True if the given launch file is open
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[str(ROS node name)]
Returns the copy of the dictionary with default configurations on this host
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launchfiles(self, launchfile)
Loads the launch file.
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reload_global_parameter_at_next_start(self, launchfile) source code
question_reload_changed_file(self, changed, affected) source code
question_transfer_changed_file(self, changed, affected) source code
update_robot_icon(self, force=False)
Update the current robot icon.
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appendConfigToModel(self, launchfile, rosconfig)
Update the node view
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removeConfigFromModel(self, launchfile)
Update the node view after removed configuration.
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updateDefaultConfigs(self, master_info)
Updates the default configuration view based on the current master information.
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on_default_cfg_nodes_retrieved(self, service_uri, config_name, nodes)
Handles the new list with nodes from default configuration service.
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on_default_cfg_descr_retrieved(self, service_uri, config_name, items)
Handles the description list from default configuration service.
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on_default_cfg_err(self, service_uri, service, msg)
Handles the error messages from default configuration service.
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launch_servers(self) source code
Returns `True` if the there are roslaunch server, which have no `master` as node or or have other nodes as `rosout-#` inside.
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on_launch_server_retrieved(self, serveruri, pid, nodes)
Handles the info about roslaunch server.
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on_launch_server_err(self, serveruri, msg)
Handles the error messages from launch server hanlder.
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Kill all running launch server.
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on_node_activated(self, index)
Depending of the state of the node, it will be run or the screen output will be open.
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on_node_clicked(self, index) source code
on_topic_activated(self, index) source code
on_topic_clicked(self, index) source code
on_service_activated(self, index) source code
on_service_clicked(self, index) source code
on_host_inserted(self, item) source code
on_node_collapsed(self, index) source code
on_node_expanded(self, index) source code
on_tab_current_changed(self, index) source code
on_node_selection_changed(self, selected, deselected, force_emit=False, node_name='')
updates the Buttons, create a description and emit description_signal to show the description of host, group or node.
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get_node_description(self, node_name, node=None) source code
on_topic_selection_changed(self, selected, deselected, force_emit=False, topic_name='')
updates the Buttons, create a description and emit description_signal to show the description of selected topic
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get_topic_description(self, topic_name, topic=None) source code
on_service_selection_changed(self, selected, deselected, force_emit=False, service_name='')
updates the Buttons, create a description and emit description_signal to show the description of selected service
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on_parameter_selection_changed(self, selected, deselected) source code
hostsFromIndexes(self, indexes, recursive=True) source code
groupsFromIndexes(self, indexes, recursive=True) source code
nodesFromIndexes(self, indexes, recursive=True) source code
topicsFromIndexes(self, indexes) source code
servicesFromIndexes(self, indexes) source code
parameterFromIndexes(self, indexes) source code
Starts the selected nodes.
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Starts the selected nodes with additional options.
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start_node(self, node, force, config, force_host=None, logging=None) source code
start_nodes(self, nodes, force=False, force_host=None, use_adv_cfg=False, check_nodelets=True)
Internal method to start a list with nodes
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start_nodes_by_name(self, nodes, cfg, force=False, check_nodelets=True)
Start nodes given in a list by their names.
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start_nodes_after_load_cfg(self, cfg_name, nodes, force=False)
Start nodes after the given configuration is loaded and applied to the model.
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Clears the list with nodes which should be startet after a launch file is loaded.
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on_force_start_nodes(self, reset_global_param=False)
Starts the selected nodes (also if it already running).
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Starts the selected nodes on an another host.
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Stops the selected and running nodes.
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stop_node(self, node, force=False) source code
stop_nodes(self, nodes, force=False)
Internal method to stop a list with nodes
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stop_nodes_by_name(self, nodes, force=False, ignore=[])
Stop nodes given in a list by their names.
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kill_node(self, node, force=False) source code
killall_roscore(self) source code
on_kill_nodes(self) source code
unregister_node(self, node, force=False) source code
on_unregister_nodes(self) source code
on_stop_context_toggled(self, state) source code
getHostFromNode(self, node)
If the node is running the host the node URI will be returned.
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Shows IO of the selected nodes.
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Kills selected screens, if some available.
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Shows all available screens.
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Shows log files of the selected nodes.
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on_log_path_copy(self) source code
Deletes log files of the selected nodes.
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Opens the dynamic configuration dialogs for selected nodes.
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on_edit_config_clicked(self) source code
on_edit_rosparam_clicked(self) source code
on_save_clicked(self) source code
Opens a dialog to select configurations to close or stop all nodes (with roscore) or shutdown the host.
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poweroff(self) source code
on_topic_echo_clicked(self, topics=[])
Shows the output of the topic in a terminal.
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Shows the hz of the topic in a terminal.
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Shows the hz of the topic using ssh.
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on_topic_pub_clicked(self) source code
start_publisher(self, topic_name, republish=False)
Starts a publisher to given topic.
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on_topic_pub_stop_clicked(self, topic_name='') source code
show_topic_output(self, topic_name, show_hz_only, use_ssh=False)
Shows the topic output in a new window.
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on_service_call_clicked(self, services=[])
calls a service.
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service_call(self, service_name) source code
on_node_filter_changed(self, text)
Filter the displayed nodes
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on_topic_filter_changed(self, text)
Filter the displayed topics
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on_service_filter_changed(self, text)
Filter the displayed services
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on_parameter_filter_changed(self, text)
Filter the displayed parameter
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Requests parameter list from the ROS parameter server.
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Adds a parameter to the ROS parameter server.
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Deletes the parameter from the ROS parameter server.
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Stores selected parameter to a file.
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append_diagnostic(self, diagnostic_status) source code
select_host_block(self, index)
Selects all nodes of a host with given index
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on_shortcut1_activated(self) source code
on_shortcut2_activated(self) source code
on_shortcut3_activated(self) source code
on_shortcut4_activated(self) source code
on_shortcut5_activated(self) source code
on_shortcut_collapse_all(self) source code
on_copy_c_pressed(self) source code
on_copy_x_pressed(self) source code
Class Variables
  updateHostRequest = Signal(str)
  DIAGNOSTIC_LEVELS = {0: 'OK', 1: 'WARN', 2: 'ERROR', 3: 'STALE...
Instance Variables
  host_description_updated = Signal(str, str, str)
the signal is emitted on description changes and contains the ROS Master URI, host address and description a parameter.
  capabilities_update_signal = Signal(str, str, str, list)
the signal is emitted if a description with capabilities is received and has the ROS master URI, host address, the name of the default_cfg node and a list with descriptions (multimaster_msgs_fkie.srv.ListDescription Response) as parameter.
  remove_config_signal = Signal(str)
the signal is emitted if a default_cfg was removed
  description_signal = Signal(str, str, bool)
the signal is emitted to show a description (title, description)
  request_xml_editor = Signal(list, str)
the signal to open a xml editor dialog (list with files, search text)
  stop_nodes_signal = Signal(str, list)
the signal is emitted to stop on masteruri the nodes described in the list.
  robot_icon_updated = Signal(str, str)
the signal is emitted, if the robot icon was changed by a configuration (masteruri, path)
  loaded_config = Signal(str, object)
the signal is emitted, after a launchfile is successful loaded (launchfile, LaunchConfig)
  save_profile_signal = Signal(str)
the signal is emitted, to save profile.
Method Details

__init__(self, masteruri, parent=None)

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Creates a new master.

  • masteruri (str) - the URI of the ROS master

current_user(self, user)

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  • @current_user.setter


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  • @property

online(self, state)

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  • @online.setter

master_state(self, master_state)

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  • @master_state.setter

master_info(self, master_info)

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Sets the new master information. To determine whether a node is running the PID and his URI are needed. The PID of remote nodes (host of the ROS master and the node are different) will be not determine by discovering. Thus this information must be obtain from other MasterInfo object and stored while updating.

  • @master_info.setter


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  • @property

markNodesAsDuplicateOf(self, running_nodes)

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Marks all nodes, which are not running and in a given list as a duplicates nodes.

  • running_nodes ([str]) - The list with names of running nodes


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Returns the list with all running nodes, which are registered by this ROS master. Also the nodes, which are physically running on remote hosts.

Returns: [str]
The list with names of running nodes

getRunningNodesIfLocal(self, remove_system_nodes=False)

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Returns the list with all running nodes, which are running (has process) on this host. The nodes registered on this ROS master, but running on remote hosts are not returned.

Returns: dict(str:str)
The dictionary with names of running nodes and their masteruri

updateRunningNodesInModel(self, master_info)

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Creates the dictionary with ExtendedNodeInfo objects and updates the nodes view.


getNode(self, node_name)

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  • node_name (str) - The name of the node.
Returns: []
The list the nodes with given name.

hasLaunchfile(self, path)

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  • path (str) - the launch file
Returns: boolean
True if the given launch file is open


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Returns the copy of the dictionary with default configurations on this host

Returns: [str(ROS node name)]
  • @property

launchfiles(self, launchfile)

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Loads the launch file. If this file is already loaded, it will be reloaded. After successful load the node view will be updated.

  • launchfile (str) - the launch file path
  • @launchfiles.setter

update_robot_icon(self, force=False)

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Update the current robot icon. If the icon was changed a `robot_icon_updated` signal will be emitted. :return: the path to the current robot icon :rtype: str

appendConfigToModel(self, launchfile, rosconfig)

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Update the node view

  • launchfile (str) - the launch file path
  • rosconfig (LaunchConfig) - the configuration

removeConfigFromModel(self, launchfile)

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Update the node view after removed configuration.

  • launchfile (str) - the launch file path

updateDefaultConfigs(self, master_info)

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Updates the default configuration view based on the current master information.


on_default_cfg_nodes_retrieved(self, service_uri, config_name, nodes)

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Handles the new list with nodes from default configuration service.

  • service_uri (str) - the URI of the service provided the default configuration
  • config_name (str) - the name of default configuration service
  • nodes ([str]) - the name of the nodes with name spaces

on_default_cfg_descr_retrieved(self, service_uri, config_name, items)

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Handles the description list from default configuration service. Emits a Qt signal host_description_updated to notify about a new host description and a Qt signal capabilities_update_signal to notify about a capabilities update.

  • service_uri (str) - the URI of the service provided the default configuration
  • config_name (str) - the name of default configuration service
  • items ([multimaster_msgs_fkie.srv.ListDescription Response]) - list with descriptions

on_default_cfg_err(self, service_uri, service, msg)

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Handles the error messages from default configuration service.

  • service_uri (str) - the URI of the service provided the default configuration
  • service (str) - the name of default configuration service
  • msg (str) - the error message


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  • @property

on_launch_server_retrieved(self, serveruri, pid, nodes)

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Handles the info about roslaunch server. Emits a Qt signal host_description_updated to notify about a new host description and a Qt signal capabilities_update_signal to notify about a capabilities update.

  • serveruri (str) - the URI of the roslaunch server
  • pid (str) - the process id of the roslaunch server
  • nodes ([str]) - list with nodes handled by the roslaunch server

on_launch_server_err(self, serveruri, msg)

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Handles the error messages from launch server hanlder.

  • serveruri (str) - the URI of the launch server
  • msg (str) - the error message


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Kill all running launch server. The coresponding URIS are removed by master_monitor.

on_node_activated(self, index)

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Depending of the state of the node, it will be run or the screen output will be open.


on_topic_activated(self, index)

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on_service_activated(self, index)

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Starts the selected nodes. If for a node more then one configuration is available, the selection dialog will be show.

start_nodes(self, nodes, force=False, force_host=None, use_adv_cfg=False, check_nodelets=True)

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Internal method to start a list with nodes

  • nodes ([NodeItem, ...]) - the list with nodes to start
  • force (bool) - force the start of the node, also if it is already started.
  • force_host (str) - force the start of the node at specified host.

start_nodes_by_name(self, nodes, cfg, force=False, check_nodelets=True)

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Start nodes given in a list by their names.

  • nodes ([str]) - a list with full node names

start_nodes_after_load_cfg(self, cfg_name, nodes, force=False)

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Start nodes after the given configuration is loaded and applied to the model. :param cfg_name: the name of the cnofiguration :type cfg_name: str :param nodes: the list of node names :type nodes: list of strings

on_force_start_nodes(self, reset_global_param=False)

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Starts the selected nodes (also if it already running). If for a node more then one configuration is available, the selection dialog will be show.


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Stops the selected and running nodes. If the node can't be stopped using his RPC interface, it will be unregistered from the ROS master using the masters RPC interface.

stop_nodes(self, nodes, force=False)

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Internal method to stop a list with nodes


stop_nodes_by_name(self, nodes, force=False, ignore=[])

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Stop nodes given in a list by their names.

  • nodes ([str]) - a list with full node names

getHostFromNode(self, node)

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If the node is running the host the node URI will be returned. Otherwise tries to get the host from the launch configuration. If the configuration contains no machine assignment for this node the host of the ROS master URI will be used.


select_host_block(self, index)

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Selects all nodes of a host with given index

  • index (int) - the index of the host in the tree model

Class Variable Details


{0: 'OK', 1: 'WARN', 2: 'ERROR', 3: 'STALE', 4: 'UNKNOWN', 5: 'UNKNOWN\

Instance Variable Details


the signal is emitted, to save profile. (masteruri) If masteruri is empty, save all masters else only for this master.