Package node_manager_fkie :: Module capability_table :: Class CapabilityTable
[frames] | no frames]

Class CapabilityTable

source code

python_qt_binding.QtWidgets.QTableWidget --+

The table shows all detected capabilities of robots in tabular view. The columns represents the robot and rows the capabilities. The cell of available capability contains a CapabilityControlWidget to show the state and manage the capability.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, parent=None) source code
updateCapabilities(self, masteruri, cfg_name, description)
Updates the capabilities view.
source code
removeConfig(self, cfg) source code
updateState(self, masteruri, master_info)
Updates the run state of the capability.
source code
Instance Variables
  start_nodes_signal = Signal(str, str, list)
the signal is emitted to start on host(described by masteruri) the nodes described in the list, Parameter(masteruri, config, nodes).
  stop_nodes_signal = Signal(str, list)
the signal is emitted to stop on masteruri the nodes described in the list.
  description_requested_signal = Signal(str, str)
the signal is emitted by click on a header to show a description.
Method Details

updateCapabilities(self, masteruri, cfg_name, description)

source code 

Updates the capabilities view.

  • masteruri (str) - the ROS master URI of updated ROS master.
  • cfg_name (str) - The name of the node provided the capabilities description.
  • description (multimaster_msgs_fkie.srv.ListDescription Response) - The capabilities description object.

removeConfig(self, cfg)

source code 
  • cfg (str) - The name of the node provided the capabilities description.

updateState(self, masteruri, master_info)

source code 

Updates the run state of the capability.
