MINAS ROS (Robot Operating System) driver¶
The minas_control
pacakge contains basic control tools for MINAS-A5B EtherCAT communication driver for indusdtrial robots.
This simulation software has been testd on the following environment:
- Ubuntu Linux 14.04.3 “Trusty” 64bit
- ROS Indigo Igloo
Install Common Components¶
First install a few components this package needs: ROS (robotics middleware)
The following snippet shows a simple way to install ROS Indigo on Ubuntu linux 14.04 Trusty. For completeness, you’re advised to see ROS wiki.
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu trusty main" \
> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list'
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ros/rosdistro/master/ros.key -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y python-rosdep
sudo rosdep init && rosdep update
echo "### For ROS setting" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Install From Deb¶
Obtain ethercat_manager
, minas_control
and tra1-*
deb files (here assumes``ros-indigo-ethercat-manager_1.0.0-0trusty_amd64.deb`` and ros-indigo-minas-control_1.0.0-0trusty_amd64.deb
). Plase it under current directory.
sudo apt-get install -y gdebi
sudo gdebi -n ros-indigo-ethercat-manager_1.0.0-0trusty_amd64.deb
sudo gdebi -n ros-indigo-minus-control_1.0.0-0trusty_amd64.deb
sudo gdebi -n ros-indigo-tra1-description_1.5.0-0trusty_amd64.deb
sudo gdebi -n ros-indigo-tra1-bringup_1.0.0-0trusty_amd64.deb
sudo gdebi -n ros-indigo-tra1-moveit-config_1.0.0-0trusty_amd64.deb
Running MINAS-A5B Controller¶
To run MINAS-A5B controller, you can start with following roslaunch command.
roslaunch tra1_bringup tra1_bringup.launch
Running rostopic
command will show a list of input and output topics of this controller
$ rostopic list
rostopic named /joint_states
will show the status of each joint including
- the position of the joint (rad or m)
- the velocity of the joint (rad/s or m/s)
- the effort that is applied in the joint (Nm or N)
$ rosmsg show sensor_msgs/JointState
std_msgs/Header header
uint32 seq
time stamp
string frame_id
string[] name
float64[] position
float64[] velocity
float64[] effort
To send commands to the controller, you can use /position_trajectory_controller/follow_joint_trajectory/goal
of type control_msgs/JointTrajectoryActionGoal
$ rosmsg show control_msgs/JointTrajectoryActionGoal
std_msgs/Header header
uint32 seq
time stamp
string frame_id
actionlib_msgs/GoalID goal_id
time stamp
string id
control_msgs/JointTrajectoryGoal goal
trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectory trajectory
std_msgs/Header header
uint32 seq
time stamp
string frame_id
string[] joint_names
trajectory_msgs/JointTrajectoryPoint[] points
float64[] positions
float64[] velocities
float64[] accelerations
float64[] effort
duration time_from_start
The tra1_bringup.launch
assumes you have connected EtherCAT device to the eth0
device of your machine. To run controller with custom settings, you can use eth
roslaunch tra1_bringup tra1_bringup.launch eth:=eth4
If you would like to run withtout hardware devices, you can run MINAS-A5B controller with simulation mode
roslaunch tra1_bringup tra1_bringup.launch simulation:=true
To change control parameter, you can use following rosparams. These are relative to /main/joint1
… /main/joint6
- torque_for_emergency_stop : Set up the torque limit at emergency stop, When setup value is 0, the torque limit for normal operation is applied. Range is 0 - 500 (%). Default value is 100 (%).
- over_load_level : You can set up the over-load level. The overload level becomes 115[%] by setting up this to 0. Use this with 0 setup in normal operation. Set up other value only when you need to lower the over-load level. Range is 0 - 500 (%). Default value is 50 (%).
- over_speed_level : If the motor speed exceeds this setup value, Err26.0 Over-speed protection occurs. The over-speed level becomes 1.2 times of the motor max. speed by setting up this to 0. Range is 0 - 2000 (r/min). Default value is 120 (r/min).
- motor_working_range : You can set up the movable range of the motor against the position command input range. When the motor movement exceeds the setup value, software limit protection of Err34.0 will be triggered. Range is 0 - 1.0 (revolution). Default value is 0.0 (revolution).
For more detail, see 4-50 of the manual (https://industrial.panasonic.com/content/data/MT/PDF/manual/en/acs/minas-a5-2_manu_e.pdf)
- max_motor_speed : Set the maximum velocity of motor. The maximum value is limited by the 3910h(Maximum over-speed level) in internal processing.. It is tq and cst and restricts speed with the preset value of this object. Range is 0 - 4294967295 (rad/min). Default value is 120 (rad/min) (6080h / 00h)
- max_torque : Set the maximum torque of the motor. The maximum value is limited by the maximum torque which is calculated from 3904h(Mass of motor’s movable section/ Motor inertia) and 3905h(Rated motor thrust / Rated motor torque). The maximum torque of the motor varies with the motor used. Range is 0 - 65535 (0.1%). Default value is 500 (50%). (6072h / 00h)
For more detail, see p.151 of the manual (https://industrial.panasonic.com/content/data/MT/PDF/refer/en/acs/SX-DSV02830_R1_00E.pdf)
These parameters are overwrited at tra1_bringup.launch
. If you wan to change these parameters, rewriete launch files.
To show contents of current tra1_bringup.launch
file. You can use roscat tra1_bringup tra1_bringup.launch
<!-- GDB functionality -->
<arg name="debug" default="false" />
<arg name="simulation" default="false" />
<arg name="eth" default="eth0" />
<!-- Load robot description -->
<param name="robot_description"
command="$(find xacro)/xacro.py '$(find tra1_description)/urdf/tra1.xacro'" />
main/joint1/torque_for_emergency_stop : 100 <!-- 100 % -->
main/joint1/over_load_level : 100 <!-- 100 % -->
main/joint1/over_speed_level : 3000 <!-- rad/min -->
main/joint1/motor_working_range : 0.1 <!-- 0.1 -->
main/joint1/max_motor_speed : 3000 <!-- rad/min -->
main/joint1/max_torque : 50 <!-- 100% -->
main/joint2/torque_for_emergency_stop : 100 <!-- 100 % -->
main/joint2/over_load_level : 100 <!-- 100 % -->
Easiest way should be copy launch file to current directory, change parameters and run that file.
$ roscp tra1_bringup tra1_bringup.launch my_tra1_bringup.launch
$ emacs my_tra1_bringup.launch
$ roslaunch my_tra1_bringup.launch
MINAS-A5B Control Tools¶
Before you start we have to configure SI1
and SI2
input selection, Please change No. 4.01 from default setting 818181h
to 010101h
and No 4.02 from 28282h
to 020202h
using PANATERM, see page 13 of the Manual.
First you need to know the network adapter neme for the EtherCAT netwok, ifconfig
will give you the list of network adpater of your computer, for example, at a following case, eth1 is your EtherCAT network and we’ll use eth1
here after, if you have different adapter name, please use that name when you run the application.
$ ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 74:03:db:f7:9a:39
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::7603:bdff:fe7f:9a39/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:38503098 errors:0 dropped:337 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:5419325 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:4368155082 (4.3 GB) TX bytes:1391012577 (1.3 GB)
eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 68:f7:82:42:0f:bc
inet6 addr: fe80::6af7:28ff:fe24:fbc/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:2901790 errors:0 dropped:124 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:4073359 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:284659686 (284.6 MB) TX bytes:516196518 (516.1 MB)
Interrupt:20 Memory:f0600000-f0620000
lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
RX packets:11730343164 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:11730343164 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:186698529957677 (186.6 TB) TX bytes:186698529957677 (186.6 TB)
Now let’s run salveinfo
to show current configuration of your EtherCAT network. Please change eth1
to your settings.
$ rosrun minas_control slaveinfo eth1
SOEM (Simple Open EtherCAT Master)
Initializing etherCAT master
wkc = 2
SOEM found and configured 2 slaves
len = 9
len = 9
len = 9
len = 9
RxPDO mapping object index 1 = 1603 ret=3
TxPDO mapping object index 1 = 1a03 ret=6
RxPDO mapping object index 2 = 1603 ret=3
TxPDO mapping object index 2 = 1a03 ret=6
SOEM IOMap size: 100
Output size: 200bits
Input size: 200bits
State: 8
Delay: 0[ns]
Has DC: 1
Configured address: 1001
Output size: 200bits
Input size: 200bits
State: 8
Delay: 680[ns]
Has DC: 1
Configured address: 1002
PDO syncmode 00, cycle time 0 ns (min 17000), sync0 cycle time 0 ns, ret = 4
PDO syncmode 00, cycle time 0 ns (min 17000), sync0 cycle time 0 ns, ret = 4
Finished configuration successfully
End program
Then let’s move to next step. The simple_test
is the example program to control motors. ‘-h’ or ‘–help’ option will show the usages of this program.
$ rosrun minas_control simple_test -h
MINAS Simple Test using SOEM (Simple Open EtherCAT Master)
Usage: simple_test [options]
Available options
-i, --interface NIC interface name for EtherCAT network
-p, --position_mode Sample program using Position Profile (pp) mode (Default)
-c, --cycliec_mode Sample program using cyclic synchronous position(csp) mode
-h, --help Print this message and exit
On default settings, simple_test
will servo on, rotate about 360 degree and servo off. The simple_test
program basically follow the instruction described in the manual, i.e Start up guide in p.3 and Motion of pp
control mode in p. 107. Basic flow of the cpp program as follows.
minas_control::MinasInput input = client->readInputs();
int32 current_position = input.position_actual_value;
// set target position
minas_control::MinasOutput output;
output.target_position = (current_position > 0)?
(current_position - 0x100000):(current_position + 0x100000);
output.max_motor_speed = 120; // rad/min
output.target_torque = 500; // 0% (unit 0.1%)
output.max_torque = 500; // 50% (unit 0.1%)
output.controlword = 0x001f; // move to operation enabled +
// new-set-point (bit4) +
// change set immediately (bit5)
output.operation_mode = 0x01; // (pp) position profile mode
// set profile velocity
// pp control model setup (see statusword(6041.h) 3) p.107)
while ( ! (input.statusword & 0x1000) ) {// bit12 (set-point-acknowledge)
input = client->readInputs();
output.controlword &= ~0x0010; // clear new-set-point (bit4)
To run simple_test
with pp mode, use -p
$ rosrun minas_control simple_test -p -i eth1
MINAS Simple Test using SOEM (Simple Open EtherCAT Master)
Initializing etherCAT master
wkc = 2
SOEM found and configured 2 slaves
len = 9
len = 9
len = 9
len = 9
RxPDO mapping object index 1 = 1603 ret=3
TxPDO mapping object index 1 = 1a03 ret=6
RxPDO mapping object index 2 = 1603 ret=3
TxPDO mapping object index 2 = 1a03 ret=6
SOEM IOMap size: 100
Output size: 200bits
Input size: 200bits
State: 8
Delay: 0[ns]
Has DC: 1
Configured address: 1001
Output size: 200bits
Input size: 200bits
State: 8
Delay: 680[ns]
Has DC: 1
Configured address: 1002
PDO syncmode 00, cycle time 0 ns (min 17000), sync0 cycle time 0 ns,ret = 4
PDO syncmode 00, cycle time 0 ns (min 17000), sync0 cycle time 0 ns,ret = 4
overrun: 0.000596
overrun: 0.000572
overrun: 0.002370
Set interpolation time period 4000 us (4000000/4)
overrun: 0.005399
1c32h: cycle time 0
60c2h: interpolation time period value 25
Statusword(6041h): 0a70
Switch on disabled
Internal limit active
Following error
Drive follows command value
overrun: 0.007179
overrun: 0.006475
overrun: 0.000108
Statusword(6041h): 0e37
Operation enabled
Internal limit active
Following error
Set-point acknowledge
Target reached
overrun: 0.000403
target position = 000e912d
overrun: 0.000011
overrun: 0.000191
Set interpolation time period 4000 us (4000000/4)
overrun: 0.000659
1c32h: cycle time 0
60c2h: interpolation time period value 25
Statusword(6041h): 0a70
Switch on disabled
Internal limit active
Following error
Drive follows command value
Statusword(6041h): 0e31
Ready to switch on
Internal limit active
Following error
Set-point acknowledge
Target reached
overrun: 0.001740
overrun: 0.004097
target position = 000c2bba
overrun: 0.003520
err = 0000, ctrl 000f, status 0237, op_mode = 1, pos = fffe9196, vel = 00000cb2, tor = 00000017
Tick 1488782766.167119670
603Fh 00000000 :Error code
6041h 00000237 :Statusword
6061h 00000001 :Modes of operation display
6064h fffe9196 :Position actual value
606Ch 00000cb2 :Velocity actual value
6077h 00000017 :Torque actual value
60B9h 00000000 :Touch probe status
60BAh 00000000 :Touch probe pos1 pos value
60FDh c0000000 :Digital inputs
6040h 0000000f :Controlword
6060h 00000001 :Mode of operation
overrun: 0.002877
6071h 000001f4 :Target Torque
6072h 000001f4 :Max Torque
607Ah 000e912d :Target Position
6080h 00000078 :Max motor speed
60B8h 00000000 :Touch Probe function
60FFh 00000000 :Target Velocity
60B0h 00000000 :Position Offset
overrun: 0.002274
err = 0000, ctrl 000f, status 1237, op_mode = 1, pos = fffc2bb6, vel = fffffe0c, tor = 00000000
Tick 1488782766.167119670
603Fh 00000000 :Error code
6041h 00001237 :Statusword
6061h 00000001 :Modes of operation display
6064h fffc2bb6 :Position actual value
606Ch fffffe0c :Velocity actual value
6077h 00000000 :Torque actual value
60B9h 00000000 :Touch probe status
60BAh 00000000 :Touch probe pos1 pos value
60FDh c0000000 :Digital inputs
You can see some erros in the first a few seconds, until the motors servo on, but that’s expected behavior and you can ingreo for now.
If you run simple_test
with -c
option, it will servo on, rotate about 180 degree back and forth with sin curve and servo off. Basic flow of the cpp program as follows.
client->setInterpolationTimePeriod(4000); // 4 msec
minas_control::MinasInput input = client->readInputs();
int32 current_position = input.position_actual_value;
// set target position
minas_control::MinasOutput output;
output.target_position = current_position;
output.max_motor_speed = 120; // rad/min
output.target_torque = 500; // 0% (unit 0.1%)
output.max_torque = 500; // 50% (unit 0.1%)
output.controlword = 0x001f; // move to operation enabled + new-set-point (bit4) + change set immediately (bit5)
output.operation_mode = 0x08; // (csp) cyclic synchronous position mode
struct timespec tick;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &tick);
while ( 1 ) {
output.position_offset = 0x80000*sin(i/200.0);
// sleep for next tick
timespecInc(tick, period);
clock_nanosleep(CLOCK_REALTIME, TIMER_ABSTIME, &tick, NULL);
If you have somethig wrong, you can run reset command. If you still have issue, use PANATERM to clear alarms.
$ rosrun minas_control reset eth0
SOEM (Simple Open EtherCAT Master)
Simple test
Initializing etherCAT master
wkc = 1
SOEM found and configured 1 slaves
RxPDO mapping object index 1 = 1603 ret=3
TxPDO mapping object index 1 = 1a03 ret=6
SOEM IOMap size: 46
Output size: 168bits
Input size: 200bits
State: 8
Delay: 0[ns]
Has DC: 1
Configured address: 1001
Finished configuration successfully
End program
main (ROS controlelr program)¶
The main
executable is ROS based controller program. ‘-h’ or ‘–help’ option will show the usages of this program.
$ rosrun minas_control main -h
Usage: main [options]
Available options
-i, --interface NIC interface name for EtherCAT
-l, --loopback Use loopback interface for Controller (i.e. simulation mode)
-p, --period RT loop period in msec
-s, --stats Publish statistics on the RT loop jitter on
"node_name/realtime" in seconds
-h, --help Print this message and exit
If you do not have MINAS-A5B hardwre, you can run with simulation mode
$ rosrun minas_control main -l
[ INFO] [1488677269.130094946]: Minas Hardware Interface in simulation mode
and check the realtime capability of the ros control program by listening /diagnostics
ROS topic.
To run controllers with physical MINAS A-5 Hardware connecting at eth1
EtherCAT network, you can main
program as follows. Please change eth1
to your settings.
$ rosrun minas_control main -i eth1
Initializing etherCAT master
wkc = 2
SOEM found and configured 2 slaves
len = 9
len = 9
len = 9
len = 9
RxPDO mapping object index 1 = 1603 ret=3
TxPDO mapping object index 1 = 1a03 ret=6
RxPDO mapping object index 2 = 1603 ret=3
TxPDO mapping object index 2 = 1a03 ret=6
SOEM IOMap size: 100
Output size: 200bits
Input size: 200bits
State: 8
Delay: 0[ns]
Has DC: 1
Configured address: 1001
Output size: 200bits
Input size: 200bits
State: 8
Delay: 680[ns]
Has DC: 1
Configured address: 1002
PDO syncmode 00, cycle time 0 ns (min 17000), sync0 cycle time 0 ns, ret = 4
PDO syncmode 00, cycle time 0 ns (min 17000), sync0 cycle time 0 ns, ret = 4
Finished configuration successfully
[ERROR] [1488776588.629694406]: Minas Hardware Interface expecting 6 clients
overrun: 0.000117
overrun: 0.000442
overrun: 0.000259
Statusword(6041h): 0e33
Switched on
Internal limit active
Following error
Set-point acknowledge
Target reached
Statusword(6041h): 0a37
Operation enabled
Internal limit active
Following error
Set-point acknowledge
Target reached
[ WARN] [1488776588.870953939]: target position = 00000000
[ WARN] [1488776588.871001884]: position offset = fffc2bb3
[ERROR] [1488776588.871041451]: Could not find EtherCAT client
[ERROR] [1488776588.871057483]: Minas Hardware Interface uses Dummy joint 3
[ERROR] [1488776588.871073659]: Could not find EtherCAT client
[ERROR] [1488776588.871084746]: Minas Hardware Interface uses Dummy joint 4
[ERROR] [1488776588.871099793]: Could not find EtherCAT client
[ERROR] [1488776588.871110595]: Minas Hardware Interface uses Dummy joint 5
[ERROR] [1488776588.871122447]: Could not find EtherCAT client
[ERROR] [1488776588.871132278]: Minas Hardware Interface uses Dummy joint 6
You can see some erros, specially if you do not set connect 6 motors on your EtherCAT network, but still the controlle software is able to run as they use loopback driver for these joints.
To check current realtime capabiliy of ROS control, you can run rostopic echo /diagnostics
$ rostopic echo /diagnostics
seq: 200
secs: 1488776789
nsecs: 50168139
frame_id: ''
level: 0
name: Realtime Control Loop
message: Realtime loop used too much time in the last 30 seconds.
hardware_id: ''
key: Max EtherCAT roundtrip (us)
value: 4030.91
key: Avg EtherCAT roundtrip (us)
value: 13.41
key: Max Controller Manager roundtrip (us)
value: 383.95
key: Avg Controller Manager roundtrip (us)
value: 5.41
key: Max Total Loop roundtrip (us)
value: 5127.10
key: Avg Total Loop roundtrip (us)
value: 1000.01
key: Max Loop Jitter (us)
value: 1136.49
key: Avg Loop Jitter (us)
value: 71.25
key: Control Loop Overruns
value: 11
key: Recent Control Loop Overruns
value: 0
key: Last Control Loop Overrun Cause
value: ec: 1221.71us, cm: 2.58us
key: Last Overrun Loop Time (us)
value: 281.10
key: Realtime Loop Frequency
value: 971.6667
Maintainer Tips¶
Create DEB file¶
Following command will build DEB (binary installer file for Ubuntu with which you can install software by a simple run of gdebi
command) files.
Before start please add following line to your /etc/ros/rosdep/sources.list.d/20-default.list
yaml file:///etc/ros/rosdep/ethercat_manager.yaml
and create ethercat_manager.yaml
file that contains
apt: ros-indigo-ethercat-manager
apt: ros-indigo-minas-control
apt: ros-indigo-tra1-description
apt: ros-indigo-tra1-movei-tconfig
apt: ros-indigo-tra1-bringup
and run rosdep update
. Then create deb fiels as follows.
catkin b ethercat_manager --no-deps --make-args debbuild_ethercat_manager
dpkg -i ros-indigo-ethercat-manager_0.0.1-0trusty_amd64.deb
catkin b minas_control --no-deps --make-args debbuild_minas_control
dpkg -i ros-indigo-minas-control_0.0.1-0trusty_amd64.deb
catkin b tra1_description --no-deps --make-args debbuild_tra1_description
dpkg -i ros-indigo-tra1-description_0.0.1-0trusty_amd64.deb
catkin b tra1_moveit_config --no-deps --make-args debbuild_tra1_moveit_config
dpkg -i ros-indigo-tra1-moveit-config_0.0.1-0trusty_amd64.deb
catkin b tra1_bringup --no-deps --make-args debbuild_tra1_bringup
dpkg -i ros-indigo-tra1-bringup_0.0.1-0trusty_amd64.deb
To install DEB file from command line, please use gdebi
. Using apt-get
may fail due to missing dependent deb package, and that breaks your local apt database (wich may fixed by sudo apt-get install -f install
as reported on the community site)
sudo apt-get install gdebi
gdebi -n ros-indigo-minas-control_0.0.1-0trusty_amd64.deb
Create documents¶
Following command will build pdf manual.
catkin b minas_control --no-deps --make-args docbuild_minas_control
To build the manual you have to install following deb packages
apt-get install python-bloom sphinx-common python-catkin-shpinx pdflatex \
texlive-latex-base texlive-latex-recommended texlive-lang-cjk
Known Issues¶
Trouble shooting¶
If you could not initialize ethercat driver as follows,
$ reset eth1 SOEM (Simple Open EtherCAT Master) Simple test Initializing etherCAT master Could not initialize ethercat driver terminate called after throwing an instance of 'ethercat::EtherCatError' what(): Could not initialize SOEM Aborted (Core dump)
Failed to lock memory. It is recommended to set permission to executables, for example: sudo setcap cap_net_raw,cap_ipc_lock=+ep main: Cannot allocate memory
Please check if your binary have correctly set permissions by
$ getcap /opt/ros/indigo/lib/minas_control/reset /opt/ros/indigo/lib/minas_control/reset = cap_net_raw+ep
If you can any
, please try$ sudo setcap cap_net_raw+ep /opt/ros/indigo/lib/minas_control/reset