File: kvh_geo_fog_3d_msgs/KvhGeoFog3DDetailSatellites.msg
Raw Message Definition
# Detailed satellites message for KVG GEO FOG 3D detailed satellites packet
# ROS message header.
# header.stamp specifies the ROS time for this measurement. Satellite
# time is reported as unix_time_s and unix_time_us.
Header header
# Integer enumeration of values
# Values:
# 0 - Unknown
# 1 - GPS
# 3 - BeiDou
# 5 - SBAS
# 6 - QZSS
# 7 - Starfire
# 8 - Omnistar
uint8[] satellite_system
# Not fully familiar, but seems to be an editable id of
# the satellite
uint8[] satellite_number
# Each bit represents a different satellite frequency
# Bits:
# 0 - L1 C/A
# 1 - L1 C
# 2 - L1 P
# 3 - L1 M
# 4 - L2 C
# 5 - L2 P
# 6 - L2 M
# 7 - L5
int8[] satellite_frequencies
# Measurement of the eleveation angle in degrees.
# Elevation angle is the degree between the horizontal
# plane and the line of sight in the vertical plane.
uint8[] elevation_deg
# Measurement of azimuth in degrees.
# The azimuth is the angle between a body and North.
uint16[] azimuth_deg
# Signal to noise ratio in decibels
uint8[] snr_decibal
Compact Message Definition
std_msgs/Header header
uint8[] satellite_system
uint8[] satellite_number
int8[] satellite_frequencies
uint8[] elevation_deg
uint16[] azimuth_deg
uint8[] snr_decibal