#define | AUDDevice_BYTESPERFRAME |
#define | AUDDevice_BYTESPERSAMPLE 2 |
#define | AUDDevice_NUMCHANNELS 2 |
#define | AUDDevice_SAMPLERATE 48000UL |
#define | AUDDSpeakerDriverDescriptors_DATAOUT 0x02 |
#define | AUDDSpeakerDriverDescriptors_FS_INTERVAL 0x01 |
#define | AUDDSpeakerDriverDescriptors_HS_INTERVAL 0x04 |
#define | AUDDSpeakerPhoneDriverDescriptors_DATAIN 0x01 |
#define | AUDDSpeakerPhoneDriverDescriptors_DATAOUT 0x02 |
#define | AUDDSpeakerPhoneDriverDescriptors_FS_INTERVAL 0x01 |
#define | AUDDSpeakerPhoneDriverDescriptors_HS_INTERVAL 0x04 |
#define | CDCAUDD_Descriptors_DATAIN0 0x03 |
#define | CDCAUDD_Descriptors_DATAOUT0 0x02 |
#define | CDCAUDD_Descriptors_ISO_DATAOUT 0x01 |
#define | CDCAUDD_Descriptors_NOTIFICATION0 0x04 |
#define | CDCD_Descriptors_DATAIN0 2 |
| Address of the CDC0 bulk-in endpoint. More...
#define | CDCD_Descriptors_DATAIN0 2 |
| Address of the CDC0 bulk-in endpoint. More...
#define | CDCD_Descriptors_DATAIN0 2 |
| Address of the CDC0 bulk-in endpoint. More...
#define | CDCD_Descriptors_DATAIN1 5 |
| Address of the CDC1 bulk-in endpoint. More...
#define | CDCD_Descriptors_DATAOUT0 1 |
| Address of the CDC0 bulk-out endpoint. More...
#define | CDCD_Descriptors_DATAOUT0 1 |
| Address of the CDC0 bulk-out endpoint. More...
#define | CDCD_Descriptors_DATAOUT0 1 |
| Address of the CDC0 bulk-out endpoint. More...
#define | CDCD_Descriptors_DATAOUT1 4 |
| Address of the CDC1 bulk-out endpoint. More...
#define | CDCD_Descriptors_NOTIFICATION0 3 |
| Address of the CDC0 interrupt-in endpoint. More...
#define | CDCD_Descriptors_NOTIFICATION0 3 |
| Address of the CDC0 interrupt-in endpoint. More...
#define | CDCD_Descriptors_NOTIFICATION0 3 |
| Address of the CDC0 interrupt-in endpoint. More...
#define | CDCD_Descriptors_NOTIFICATION1 6 |
| Address of the CDC1 interrupt-in endpoint. More...
#define | CDCDEEMDriverDescriptors_BULKIN 2 |
#define | CDCDEEMDriverDescriptors_BULKOUT 1 |
#define | CDCDSerialDriverDescriptors_DATAIN 3 |
#define | CDCDSerialDriverDescriptors_DATAOUT 2 |
#define | CDCDSerialDriverDescriptors_NOTIFICATION 4 |
#define | HIDAUDD_Descriptors_INTERRUPTIN 0x03 |
#define | HIDAUDD_Descriptors_INTERRUPTOUT 0x04 |
#define | HIDAUDD_Descriptors_ISO_DATAOUT 0x02 |
#define | HIDD_Descriptors_INTERRUPTIN 4 |
#define | HIDD_Descriptors_INTERRUPTOUT 5 |
#define | HIDDKeyboardDriverDescriptors_INTERRUPTIN 2 |
#define | HIDDKeyboardDriverDescriptors_INTERRUPTIN_POLLING 10 |
#define | HIDDKeyboardDriverDescriptors_INTERRUPTOUT 3 |
#define | HIDDKeyboardDriverDescriptors_INTERRUPTOUT_POLLING 10 |
#define | HIDDMouseDriverDescriptors_INTERRUPTIN 2 |
#define | HIDDMouseDriverDescriptors_INTERRUPTIN_POLLING 8 |
#define | HIDDTransferDriverDescriptors_INTERRUPTIN 2 |
#define | HIDDTransferDriverDescriptors_INTERRUPTIN_POLLING 50 |
#define | HIDDTransferDriverDescriptors_INTERRUPTOUT 3 |
#define | HIDDTransferDriverDescriptors_INTERRUPTOUT_POLLING 50 |
#define | HIDMSDD_Descriptors_BULKIN 3 |
#define | HIDMSDD_Descriptors_BULKOUT 2 |
#define | HIDMSDD_Descriptors_INTERRUPTIN 4 |
#define | HIDMSDD_Descriptors_INTERRUPTOUT 5 |
#define | MSDD_Descriptors_BULKIN 5 |
#define | MSDD_Descriptors_BULKOUT 4 |
#define | MSDDriverDescriptors_BULKIN 3 |
#define | MSDDriverDescriptors_BULKOUT 2 |
#define | USBD_PID_AUDIO 0x6128 |
#define | USBD_PID_CCID 0x6203 |
#define | USBD_PID_CDCAUDIO 0x6131 |
#define | USBD_PID_CDCCDC 0x6133 |
#define | USBD_PID_CDCDSERIAL 0x6124 |
#define | USBD_PID_CDCEEM 0x6137 |
#define | USBD_PID_CDCHID 0x6130 |
#define | USBD_PID_CDCMSD 0x6132 |
#define | USBD_PID_ENUM 0x0001 |
#define | USBD_PID_HIDAUDIO 0x6134 |
#define | USBD_PID_HIDKEYBOARD 0x6127 |
#define | USBD_PID_HIDMOUSE 0x6200 |
#define | USBD_PID_HIDMSD 0x6135 |
#define | USBD_PID_HIDTRANSFER 0x6201 |
#define | USBD_PID_MSD 0x6129 |
#define | USBD_PID_UVC 0x6136 |
#define | USBD_RELEASE_0_01 0x0001 |
#define | USBD_RELEASE_1_00 0x0100 |
#define | USBD_VID_ATMEL 0x03EB |