ecl_mobile_robot Documentation


Contains transforms (e.g. differential drive inverse kinematics) for the various types of mobile robot platforms.

Embedded Control Library

    Various representations and transforms relevant to mobile robot

Compiling & Linking

    Include the following at the top of any translation unit which
    requires this library:
// The error interfaces
using ecl::Pose;

You will also need to link to -lecl_mobile_robot.



            This is the classical definition for a mobile robot's state in
            a 2D world - [ x, y, heading ].

            This class provides a convenient c++ container style interface
            as well as a few mathematical operators for calculating
            relative poses (differentials).
Pose pose1, pose2;
pose1 << 0,0,Math::pi/2; // comma initialisation
std::cout << pose.x() << pose.y() << pose.heading(); // readable access
std::cout << pose[0] << pose[1] << pose[1]; // vector style access
Pose pose3 = pose1 + pose2; // pose + relative pose
pose1 += pose2; // pose1 + relative pose
pose3 = pose1 - pose2; // calculates pose2 rel pose1


            Currently there is only the diff drive kinematics class. This
            provides functions for forward and inverse kinematics on a
            differential drive type robot.
DifferentialDrive::Kinematics kinematics(0.1,0.5,0.05); // fixed axis length, centre offset, wheel radius
Pose dpose = kinematics.forward(0.2, 0.1); // left and right wheel angle updates -> differential pose
Vector2d wheel_vels = kinematics.inverse(0.1, 0.05); // linear/angular velocites -> left/right wheel angular rates
Vector2d vels = Kinematics::Inverse(pose1,pose2); // orig and final pose -> linear/angular platform velocities

Unit Tests

    - src/sample/pose.cpp


    - <b>May 10</b> : extended and fully road-tested pose and differential drive interfaces.
    - <b>Jan 10</b> : added transforms used by the iclebo mobile platform (diff drive).

Author(s): Daniel Stonier
autogenerated on Mon Feb 28 2022 22:18:56