File: cob_light/LightModes.msg
Raw Message Definition
uint8 NONE = 0 # will turn everything off
uint8 STATIC = 1 # will change the LEDs to "color"
uint8 FLASH = 2 # will change the LEDs frequently with "frequency" from "color" to black
uint8 BREATH = 3 # will change the LEDs smoothly with "frequency" from "color" to black
uint8 BREATH_COLOR = 4 # will change the LEDs smoothly with "frequency" from "color" to black
# and flips color in time
uint8 FADE_COLOR = 5 # will fade the colors in rainbow
uint8 SEQ = 6 # executes one sequence after another as defined in sequences array
uint8 CIRCLE_COLORS = 7 # circle through specific colors, if one color is set only one color will circle
# if more than one color is set, that this colors will circle through
uint8 SWEEP = 8 # circle color from front to back on both sides
uint8 DIST_APPROX = 9 # color led circle from green to red depended on the measured laserscan dists
uint8 GLOW = 10 # glow the color
uint8 XMAS = 11 # red white christmas mode
uint8 KIT = 12 # Knight Rider mode
uint8 TURN_LEFT = 13 # Turn Indicator left
uint8 TURN_RIGHT = 14 # Turn Indicator right
Compact Message Definition
uint8 NONE=0
uint8 STATIC=1
uint8 FLASH=2
uint8 BREATH=3
uint8 FADE_COLOR=5
uint8 SEQ=6
uint8 SWEEP=8
uint8 GLOW=10
uint8 XMAS=11
uint8 KIT=12
uint8 TURN_LEFT=13
uint8 TURN_RIGHT=14