C++ system library dependencies

System libraries are part of your operating system distribution.

When your package depends on a system C++ library, there are usually several kinds of dependencies which must be declared in your package.xml and CMakeLists.txt files.


Your system package dependencies are declared in package.xml. If they are missing or incorrect, you may be able to build from source and run tests on your own machine, but your package will not work correctly when released to the ROS community. Others depend on this information to install the software they need for using your package.

The <build_depend> declares packages needed for building your programs, including development files like headers, libraries and configuration files. For each build dependency, specify the corresponding rosdep key. On many Linux distributions these are called “development” packages, and their names generally end in -dev or -devel, like this:


The <run_depend> declares two different types of package dependencies. One is for shared libraries, executables, Python modules, launch scripts and other files required for running your package. Specify the run-time rosdep key, if possible, like this example:


The second type of <run_depend> is for transitive build dependencies. A common example is when one of your dependencies provides a header file included in some header exported from your package. Even if your package does not use that header when building itself, other packages depending on your header will require those transitive dependencies when they are built. Transitive dependencies typically name the “development” package, instead of the run-time package:


Many existing rosdep entries only name the library’s “development” package. If no appropriate run-time package key is defined, consider contributing the missing rules so users need not install unnecessary files. If you cannot provide a run-time rosdep for some reason, you may need to use the “development” package for all dependency declarations:


Some C++ packages, like Eigen, have no run-time library. Everything is defined in the header files. As long as you do not export any headers including them, those files are only needed at compile time. So, you need not specify a <run_depend> in that case:


If you do export headers that include Eigen headers, you also need to declare that transitive dependency:



CMake does not know about package.xml dependencies. For your code to compile, the CMakeLists.txt must explicitly declare how to resolve all of your header and library references.

Finding the library

First, CMake needs to find the library. If you are lucky, someone has already provided a CMake module as was done for boost. Most boost C++ components are fully implemented in the header files. They do not require a separate shared library at run-time:

find_package(Boost REQUIRED)

But, the boost thread impementation does require a library, so specify “COMPONENTS thread” if you need it:

find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS thread)

These find_package() calls define CMake variables that will be needed later for the compile and linkedit steps. While the CMake community recommends standard names for those variables, some packages may not follow their recommendations. If you run across a case like that and can’t figure out what to do, get help on answers.ros.org.

Sometimes, no CMake module is available, but the library’s development package provides a pkg-config file. To use that, first load the CMake PkgConfig module, then access the build flags provided by the library:

find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED)
pkg_check_modules(GSTREAMER REQUIRED libgstreamer-0.10)

The first pkg_check_modules() parameter declares a prefix for CMake variables like GSTREAMER_INCLUDE_DIRS and GSTREAMER_LIBRARIES, later used for the compile and linkedit. The REQUIRED argument causes configuration to fail unless the following “module” is the base name of a pkg-config file provided by the library, in this example libgstreamer-0.10.pc.

Include directories

Before compiling, collect all the header paths you found earlier using find_package() or pkg_check_modules():

include_directories(include ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${GSTREAMER_INCLUDE_DIRS})

The include parameter is needed only if that subdirectory of your package contains headers used to compile your programs. If your package also depends on other catkin packages, add ${catkin_INCLUDE_DIRS} to the list.

Exporting interfaces

The catkin_package() command is only called once. In addition to any other parameters, it must declare the non-catkin system library and header packages needed by the interfaces you export to other ROS packages:

catkin_package(DEPENDS Boost GSTREAMER)

For this to work, you must have found those dependencies earlier, using find_package() or pkg_check_modules(), and they must define the CMake variables ${name}_INCLUDE_DIRS and ${name}_LIBRARIES. Note that the package name is case sensitive. While catkin packages always use a lowercase name other packages might use uppercase (as GSTREAMER) or mixed case (as Boost).

Some packages only provide variables which do not comply with these recommendations. Then you have to pass the absolute paths explicitly as INCLUDE_DIRS` and LIBRARIES.