Changelog for package rosflight_sim
1.0.0 (2018-03-13)
- Update firmware to v1.1.0
- improved acceleration calculation in simulation
- some tweaks to make multi-agent possible
- fixed some issues in SIL
- working SIL multirotor
- Cleaned up simulation launch and parameter files
- updated board layer and python joy nodes
- fixed a memory file write bug
- able to arm, and disarm in simulation, IMU noise activated with motor spinning
- fixed timestamping issue with simulator (need to test on hardware)
- updated firmware
- Got UDP comms working with SIL in Gazebo
- launch files, xacro files, and aircraft parameters for generic multirotor and fixedwing aircraft are added. They currently use a .dae that comes with gazebo, which might be confusing. The best solution would be to create our own and include them here
- added some noise with no bias
- added sim, not tested, lacks udp and sensor noise
- Contributors: Daniel Koch, Gary Ellingson, James Jackson, Skyler Tolman,