Changelog for package pacmod_msgs
2.3.0 (2018-10-04)
- PACMod: Add COMPONENT_RPT and CLEAR_FAULTS flag. (#28)
- Merge pull request #27 from astuff/fix/turn_signal_values
- PACMod: Making message def. match DBC.
- Contributors: Joshua Whitley, Zach Oakes
2.2.2 (2018-08-30)
- Merge pull request #24 from astuff/maint/add_none_shift_cmd
- PACMod: Removing unused report values.
- MKZ: Adding NONE value to shift states.
- Contributors: Joshua Whitley, driscoll85
2.2.1 (2018-08-08)
2.1.0 (2018-05-14)
- Fixed typo in message definition for turn.
- Added additional fault reporting to GlobalRpt.
- Adding lots of enum values to SystemRptInt.
- Adding more fault reporting to PACMod reports.
- Added new messages to pacmod_msgs
- Added clear_override flag to SteerSystemCmd.
- Adding clear_override flag.
- Adding specialized message for steering control.
- Adding missing headers and new fields for invidual system control.
- Updating package.xml to format 2.
- Adding pacmod_msgs/VinRpt.
- Standardizing package.xml files.
- Change steering pid3 report
- Initial commit.
- Contributors: Daniel Stanek, Joe Driscoll, Joshua Whitley