Changelog for package moveit_kinematics
0.9.17 (2019-07-09)
0.9.16 (2019-06-29)
- [maintanance] Resolve catkin lint issues (#1137)
- [maintanance] Fix clang issues (#1233, #1214)
- Contributors: Ludovic Delval, Michael Görner, Robert Haschke
0.9.15 (2018-10-29)
0.9.14 (2018-10-24)
0.9.12 (2018-05-29)
- switch to ROS_LOGGER from CONSOLE_BRIDGE (#874)
- fixes to ikfast kinematics plugin (#808)
- Cached ik kinematics plugin (#612)
add caching wrapper for IK solvers
- Contributors: Ian McMahon, Mark Moll, Mikael Arguedas, Robert Haschke, Xiaojian Ma
0.9.11 (2017-12-25)
- Merge pull request #714 from henhenhen/kinetic-devel_lookup-param
Use lookupParam() in kinematics plugins
- Replace param() with lookupParam() in srv_kinematics_plugin
- Replace param() with lookupParam() in lma_kinematics_plugin
- Replace param() with lookupParam() in kdl_kinematics_plugin
- Replace param() with lookupParam() in ikfast_kinematics_plugin
- Remove redundant parameter query
- Contributors: Henning Kayser, Isaac I.Y. Saito
0.9.10 (2017-12-09)
- [fix][kinetic onward] Fix create_ikfast_moveit_plugin to comply with format 2 of the package.xml. Remove collada_urdf dependency #666
- [fix] create_ikfast_moveit_plugin: fixed directory variable for templates that were moved to ikfast_kinematics_plugin #620
- [improve] IKFastTemplate: Expand solutions to full joint range in searchPositionIK #598
- [improve] IKFastTemplate: searchPositionIK now returns collision-free solution which is nearest to seed state. (#585)
- Contributors: Dennis Hartmann, G.A. vd. Hoorn, Michael Görner, fsuarez6
0.9.9 (2017-08-06)
- [improve] Modify ikfast_template for getPositionIK single solution results (#537)
- Contributors: nsnitish
0.9.8 (2017-06-21)
- [build] ikfast_kinematics_plugin: Write XML files as UTF-8 (#514)
- [build] adjust cmake_minimum_required for add_compile_options (#521)
- [build] ikfast_kinematics_plugin: Add c++11 compile option. This is required for Kinetic.
- Contributors: Martin Guenther, Michael Goerner
0.9.7 (2017-06-05)
- [fix][Kinetic+] ikfast_kinematics_plugin: Add c++11 compile option #515
- [fix][Indigo] moveit_kinematics Eigen3 dependency (#470)
- Contributors: Martin Guenther, YuehChuan
0.9.6 (2017-04-12)
0.9.5 (2017-03-08)
- [fix][moveit_ros_warehouse] gcc6 build error #423
- Contributors: Dave Coleman
0.9.4 (2017-02-06)
- [maintenance] clang-format upgraded to 3.8 (#367)
- Contributors: Dave Coleman
0.9.3 (2016-11-16)
- [fix] Replace unused service dependency with msg dep (#361)
- [maintenance] Updated package.xml maintainers and author emails #330
- Contributors: Dave Coleman, Ian McMahon
0.9.2 (2016-11-05)
- [Maintenance] Auto format codebase using clang-format (#284)
- Contributors: Dave Coleman
0.9.0 (2016-10-19)
- Add dependency on new moveit_kinematics package
- Move moveit_ikfast into moveit_kinematics
- Moved kinematics plugins to new pkg moveit_kinematics
- Contributors: Dave Coleman
0.8.3 (2016-08-21)