File: sbg_driver/SbgGpsHdt.msg
Raw Message Definition
# SBG Ellipse Messages
Header header
# Time since sensor is powered up us
uint32 time_stamp
# GPS True Heading status.
# 0 SOL_COMPUTED A valid solution has been computed.
# 1 INSUFFICIENT_OBS Not enough valid SV to compute a solution.
# 2 INTERNAL_ERROR An internal error has occurred.
# 3 HEIGHT_LIMIT The height limit has been exceeded.
uint16 status
# GPS Time of Week ms
uint32 tow
# True heading angle (0 to 360 deg).
float32 true_heading
# 1 sigma True heading estimated accuracy (0 to 360 deg).
float32 true_heading_acc
# Pitch angle from the master to the rover
float32 pitch
# 1 sigma pitch estimated accuracy
float32 pitch_acc
Compact Message Definition
std_msgs/Header header
uint32 time_stamp
uint16 status
uint32 tow
float32 true_heading
float32 true_heading_acc
float32 pitch
float32 pitch_acc