File: mbf_msgs/MoveBase.action
Action Definition
# Extension of move_base_msgs/MoveBase action, with more detailed result
# and feedback and the possibility to specify lists of applicable plugins
geometry_msgs/PoseStamped target_pose
# Controller to use; defaults to the first one specified on "controllers" parameter
string controller
# Planner to use; defaults to the first one specified on "planners" parameter
string planner
# Recovery behaviors to try on case of failure; defaults to the "recovery_behaviors" parameter value
string[] recovery_behaviors
# Predefined success codes:
uint8 SUCCESS = 0
# Predefined general error codes:
uint8 FAILURE = 10
uint8 CANCELED = 11
uint8 COLLISION = 12
uint8 OSCILLATION = 13
uint8 START_BLOCKED = 14
uint8 GOAL_BLOCKED = 15
uint8 TF_ERROR = 16
# 21..49 are reserved for future general error codes
# Planning/controlling failures:
uint8 PLAN_FAILURE = 50
# 51..99 are reserved as global planner specific errors
uint8 CTRL_FAILURE = 100
# 101..149 are reserved as local planner specific errors
uint32 outcome
string message
# Configuration upon action completion
float32 dist_to_goal
float32 angle_to_goal
geometry_msgs/PoseStamped final_pose
# Outcome of most recent controller cycle. Same values as in MoveBase or ExePath result.
uint32 outcome
string message
float32 dist_to_goal
float32 angle_to_goal
geometry_msgs/PoseStamped current_pose
geometry_msgs/TwistStamped last_cmd_vel # last command calculated by the controller