File: mbf_msgs/GetPath.action
Action Definition
# Get a path from start_pose or current position to the target pose
# Use start_pose or current position as the beginning of the path
bool use_start_pose
# The start pose for the path; optional, used if use_start_pose is true
geometry_msgs/PoseStamped start_pose
# The pose to achieve with the path
geometry_msgs/PoseStamped target_pose
# If the goal is obstructed, how many meters the planner can relax the constraint in x and y before failing
float64 tolerance
# Planner to use; defaults to the first one specified on "planners" parameter
string planner
# use different slots for concurrency
uint8 concurrency_slot
# Predefined success codes:
uint8 SUCCESS = 0
# 1..9 are reserved as plugin specific non-error results
# Possible error codes:
uint8 FAILURE = 50 # Unspecified failure, only used for old, non-mfb_core based plugins
uint8 CANCELED = 51 # The action has been canceled by a action client
uint8 INVALID_START = 52 #
uint8 INVALID_GOAL = 53
uint8 NO_PATH_FOUND = 54
uint8 PAT_EXCEEDED = 55
uint8 EMPTY_PATH = 56
uint8 TF_ERROR = 57
uint8 STOPPED = 61 # The planner execution has been stopped rigorously, e.g. Move Base Flex has been shut down.
# 71..99 are reserved as plugin specific errors
uint32 outcome
string message
nav_msgs/Path path
float64 cost