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global_planner_tests.cpp File Reference
#include <global_planner_tests/global_planner_tests.h>
#include <nav_grid/coordinate_conversion.h>
#include <nav_core2/exceptions.h>
#include <string>
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bool global_planner_tests::checkOccupiedPathCoverage (nav_core2::GlobalPlanner &planner, const PoseList &start_cells, const PoseList &goal_cells, const std::string &test_name, bool check_exception_type=true, bool verbose=false, bool quit_early=true, bool invalid_starts=true)
 Check if the appropriate exception is thrown when attempting to plan to or from an occupied cell. More...
bool global_planner_tests::checkOutOfBoundsPathCoverage (nav_core2::GlobalPlanner &planner, const PoseList &start_cells, const PoseList &goal_cells, const std::string &test_name, bool check_exception_type=true, bool verbose=false, bool quit_early=true, bool invalid_starts=true)
 Check if the appropriate exception is thrown when attempting to plan to or from a pose off the costmap. More...
bool global_planner_tests::checkValidPathCoverage (nav_core2::GlobalPlanner &planner, const PoseList &free_cells, bool verbose=false, bool quit_early=true)
 Check if a path exists between every pair of free_cells. More...
PoseList global_planner_tests::createPosesOutsideCostmap (const nav_core2::Costmap &costmap)
 Create a list of poses that are outside the costmap's bounds. More...
void global_planner_tests::groupCells (const nav_core2::Costmap &costmap, PoseList &free_cells, PoseList &occupied_cells, bool include_edges=true)
 Populate two lists of poses from a costmap. one with all the free cells, the other with all the occupied cells. More...
bool global_planner_tests::hasCompleteCoverage (nav_core2::GlobalPlanner &planner, const nav_core2::Costmap &costmap, int max_failure_cases=10, bool check_exception_type=true, bool verbose=false, bool quit_early=true)
 Run a bunch of tests, assuming there is a valid path from any free cell to any other free cell. More...
bool global_planner_tests::hasNoPaths (nav_core2::GlobalPlanner &planner, const nav_core2::Costmap &costmap, bool check_exception_type=true, bool verbose=false, bool quit_early=true)
 Run a bunch of tests, assuming there are no valid paths from any free cell to any other free cell. More...
bool global_planner_tests::planExists (nav_core2::GlobalPlanner &planner, nav_2d_msgs::Pose2DStamped start, nav_2d_msgs::Pose2DStamped goal)
 Simple check to see if a plan exists. Returns a boolean instead of returning path or throwing an exception. More...
PoseList global_planner_tests::subsetPoseList (const PoseList &cells, unsigned int num_cells)
 Create a new list of poses from cells that is num_cells long. More...

autogenerated on Wed Jun 26 2019 20:06:09