Extracted CMake API reference

This page was auto-generated from cmake source files using generate_cmake_rst.py

Public CMake functions / macros



[function defined in platform/windows.cmake]

Add Python executable wrapper around Python scripts on Windows.

Python scripts with (or without) .py extension are not executable on Windows due to lack of shebang support.

  • SCRIPT_NAME (string) – Python script name that needs a wrapper
  • TARGET_NAME (string) – build target name
  • DESTINATION (string) – install destination for the build target



[function defined in catkin_add_env_hooks.cmake]

Register environment hooks which are executed by the setup script.

For each shell in SHELLS, the macro searches for one of the following files in the directory DIRECTORY: <file_prefix>.<shell>, <file_prefix>.<shell>.<develspace|installspace>.em, <file_prefix>.<shell>.em, <file_prefix>.<shell>.<develspace|installspace>.in or <file_prefix>.<shell>.in.

Plain shells, will be copied to, templates are expanded to etc/catkin/profile.d/, where it will be read by global generated setup.<shell>.

The templates can also distinguish between devel- and installspace using the boolean variables DEVELSPACE and INSTALLSPACE which are either true or false. E.g. @[if DEVELSPACE]@ ... @[end if]@ for .em


Note that the extra extensions must appear in the filename but must not appear in the argument.


These files will share a single directory with other packages that choose to install env hooks. Be careful to give the file a unique name. Typically NN.name.<shell> is used, where NN can define when something should be run (the files are read in alphanumeric order) and the name serves to disambiguate in the event of collisions.


catkin_add_env_hooks(my_prefix SHELLS bash tcsh zsh DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/env-hooks)

looks for files env-hooks/my_prefix.[bash|tcsh|zsh]((.(devel|install)space)?.[em|in])?

The environment hooks are installed into two destinations:
  • etc/catkin/profile.d where they can be sourced efficiently by the catkin generated setup.<shell> scripts
  • share/${PROJECT_NAME}/catkin_env_hook where they can be sourced efficiently on a per-package base
  • file_prefix (string) – the filename prefix
  • SHELLS (list of strings) – the shell extensions (e.g.: sh bat bash zsh tcsh)
  • DIRECTORY (string) – the directory (default: ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
  • SKIP_INSTALL (option) – if specified the env hooks are only generated in the devel space but not installed



[function defined in test/gtest.cmake]

Add a GMock executable target.

An executable target is created with the source files, it is linked against GTest and GMock. If you also want to register the executable as a test use catkin_add_gtest() instead.

  • target (string) – the target name
  • source_files (list of strings) – a list of source files used to build the test executable

Additionally, the option EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL can be specified.



[function defined in test/gtest.cmake]

Add a GTest executable target.

An executable target is created with the source files, it is linked against GTest. If you also want to register the executable as a test use catkin_add_gtest() instead.

  • target (string) – the target name
  • source_files (list of strings) – a list of source files used to build the test executable

Additionally, the option EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL can be specified.



[function defined in test/gtest.cmake]

Add a GMock based test target.

An executable target is created with the source files, it is linked against GTest and GMock and added to the set of unit tests.


The test can be executed by calling the binary directly or using: make run_tests_${PROJECT_NAME}_gtest_${target}

  • target (string) – the target name
  • source_files (list of strings) – a list of source files used to build the test executable
  • TIMEOUT (integer) – currently not supported
  • WORKING_DIRECTORY (string) – the working directory when executing the executable



[function defined in test/gtest.cmake]

Add a GTest based test target.

An executable target is created with the source files, it is linked against GTest and added to the set of unit tests.


The test can be executed by calling the binary directly or using: make run_tests_${PROJECT_NAME}_gtest_${target}

  • target (string) – the target name
  • source_files (list of strings) – a list of source files used to build the test executable
  • TIMEOUT (integer) – currently not supported
  • WORKING_DIRECTORY (string) – the working directory when executing the executable



[function defined in test/nosetests.cmake]

Add Python nose tests.

Nose collects tests from the directory dir automatically.


The test can be executed by calling nosetests directly or using: `` make run_tests_${PROJECT_NAME}_nosetests_${dir}`` (where slashes in the dir are replaced with periods)

  • path (string) – a relative or absolute directory to search for nosetests in or a relative or absolute file containing tests
  • DEPENDENCIES (list of strings) – the targets which must be built before executing the test
  • TIMEOUT (integer) – the timeout for individual tests in seconds (default: 60)
  • WORKING_DIRECTORY (string) – the working directory when executing the tests (this option can only be used when the path argument is a file but not when it is a directory)


catkin_download(target, url)

[function defined in catkin_download.cmake]

Download a file containing data from a URL.

It is commonly used to download larger data files which should not be stored in the repository.


It is not recommended to rely on downloaded data during a configure / make cycle since this prevents building the package when no network connectivity is available.


The target will be registered as a dependency of the “download_extra_data” target.

  • target (string) – the target name
  • url (string) – the url to download
  • DESTINATION (string) – the directory where the file is downloaded to (default: ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR})
  • FILENAME (string) – the filename of the downloaded file (default: the basename of the url)
  • MD5 (string) – the expected md5 hash to compare against (default: empty, skipping the check)

Additionally, options EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL and REQUIRED can be specified.


catkin_download_test_data(target, url)

[function defined in test/catkin_download_test_data.cmake]

  • DESTINATION (string) – the directory where the file is downloaded to (default: ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR})
  • FILENAME (string) – the filename of the downloaded file (default: the basename of the url)
  • MD5 (string) – the expected md5 hash to compare against (default: empty, skipping the check)

Additionally, option REQUIRED can be specified.



[function defined in catkin_libraries.cmake]

Filter libraries based on optional build configuration keywords.

  • VAR (string) – the output variable name
  • ARGN (list of strings) – a list of libraries
  • BUILD_TYPE (list of strings) – a keyword for the build type (default: CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE)



[function defined in catkin_install_python.cmake]

Install Python files and update their shebang lines to use a different Python executable.

The signature:

catkin_install_python(PROGRAMS files... DESTINATION <dir> [OPTIONAL])

See the documentation for CMake install() function for more information.



[function defined in catkin_metapackage.cmake]

It installs the package.xml file of a metapackage.


It must be called once for each metapackage. Best practice is to call this macro early in your root CMakeLists.txt, immediately after calling project() and find_package(catkin REQUIRED).

Parameters:DIRECTORY (string) – the path to the package.xml file if not in the same location as the CMakeLists.txt file



[function defined in catkin_libraries.cmake]

Pack a list of libraries with optional build configuration keywords. Each keyword is joined with its library using a separator. A packed library list can be deduplicated correctly.

  • VAR (string) – the output variable name
  • ARGN (list of strings) – a list of libraries



[macro defined in catkin_package.cmake]

It installs the package.xml file, and it generates code for find_package and pkg-config so that other packages can get information about this package. For this purpose the information about include directories, libraries, further dependencies and CMake variables are used.


It must be called once for each package. It is indirectly calling``catkin_destinations()`` which will provide additional output variables. Please make sure to call catkin_package() before using those variables.

  • INCLUDE_DIRS (list of strings) – CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR-relative paths to C/C++ includes
  • LIBRARIES (list of strings) – names of library targets that will appear in the catkin_LIBRARIES and ${PROJECT_NAME}_LIBRARIES of other projects that search for you via find_package. Currently this will break if the logical target names are not the same as the installed names.
  • CATKIN_DEPENDS (list of strings) – a list of catkin projects which this project depends on. It is used when client code finds this project via find_package() or pkg-config. Each project listed will in turn be find_package-ed or is states as Requires in the .pc file. Therefore their INCLUDE_DIRS and LIBRARIES will be appended to ours. Only catkin projects should be used where it be guarantee that they are find_packagable and have pkg-config files.
  • DEPENDS (list of strings) – a list of CMake projects which this project depends on. Since they might not be find_packagable or lack a pkg-config file their INCLUDE_DIRS and LIBRARIES are passed directly. This requires that it has been find_package-ed before and all variables (<name>_FOUND, <name>_INCLUDE_DIRS, etc.) have the same case as this argument.
  • CFG_EXTRAS (string) – a CMake file containing extra stuff that should be accessible to users of this package after find_package-ing it. This file must live in the subdirectory cmake or be an absolute path. All passed extra files must have unique basenames since they are being installed into a single folder. Various additional file extension are possible: for a plain cmake file just .cmake, for files expanded using CMake’s configure_file() use .cmake.in or for files expanded by empy use .cmake.em. The templates can distinguish between devel- and installspace using the boolean variables DEVELSPACE and INSTALLSPACE. For templated files it is also possible to use the extensions .cmake.develspace.(in|em) or .cmake.installspace.(em|in) to generate the files only for a specific case. If the global variable ${PROJECT_NAME}_CFG_EXTRAS is set it will be prepended to the explicitly passed argument.
  • EXPORTED_TARGETS (list of strings) – a list of target names which usually generate code. Downstream packages can depend on these targets to ensure that code is generated before it is being used. The generated CMake config file will ensure that the targets exists. If the global variable ${PROJECT_NAME}_EXPORTED_TARGETS is set it will be prepended to the explicitly passed argument.
  • SKIP_CMAKE_CONFIG_GENERATION (bool) – the option to skip the generation of the CMake config files for the package
  • SKIP_PKG_CONFIG_GENERATION (bool) – the option to skip the generation of the pkg-config file for the package


  INCLUDE_DIRS include
  LIBRARIES projlib1 projlib2
  CFG_EXTRAS proj-extras[.cmake|.cmake.in|.cmake(.develspace|.installspace)?.em]



[macro defined in catkin_package_xml.cmake]

Parse package.xml from CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR and make several information available to CMake.


It is called automatically by catkin_package() if not called manually before. It must be called once in each package, after calling project() where the project name must match the package name. The macro should only be called manually if the variables are use to parameterize catkin_package().


DIRECTORY (string) – the directory of the package.xml (default ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}).

Output Variables:
  • <packagename>_VERSION – the version number
  • <packagename>_MAINTAINER – the name and email of the maintainer(s)
  • <packagename>_PACKAGE_FORMAT – the format version of the manifest
  • <packagename>_<dep_type>_DEPENDS – the dependencies of a specific type, the following types are available: BUILD, BUILD_EXPORT, BUILDTOOL, BUILDTOOL_EXPORT, EXEC, RUN, TEST, DOC
  • <packagename>_<dep_type>_DEPENDS_<dep_name>_VERSION_<ver_type> – for each dependency which has a version range specified the version number is provided, the following version types are available: LT, LTE, EQ, GTE, GT
  • <packagename>_URL_WEBSITE – the url(s) of type website
  • <packagename>_URL_BUGTRACKER – the url(s) of type bugtracker
  • <packagename>_URL_REPOSITORY – the url(s) of type repository
  • <packagename>_DEPRECATEDTRUE if the package is deprecated
  • _CATKIN_CURRENT_PACKAGE – the name of the package from the manifest


It is calling catkin_destinations() which will provide additional output variables.



[function defined in catkin_python_setup.cmake]

This macro will interrogate the Python setup.py file in ${${PROJECT_NAME}_SOURCE_DIR}, and then creates forwarding Python pkgutil infrastructure in devel space accordingly for the scripts and packages declared in setup.py.

Doing so enables mixing generated code in devel space with static code from sourcespace within a single Python package.

In addition, it adds the install command of distutils/setuputils to the install target.


If the project also uses genmsg message generation via generate_messages() this function must be called before.



[function defined in catkin_libraries.cmake]

Replace imported library target names with the library name.

  • VAR (string) – the output variable name
  • ARGN (list of strings) – a list of libraries



[function defined in catkin_libraries.cmake]

Unpack a list of libraries with optional build configuration keyword prefixes. Libraries prefixed with a keyword are split into the keyword and the library.

  • VAR (string) – the output variable name
  • ARGN (list of strings) – a list of libraries

Non-public CMake functions / macros


_catkin_add_executable_with_google_test(type, target)

[function defined in test/gtest.cmake]

This is an internal function, use catkin_add_executable_with_gtest or catkin_add_executable_with_gmock instead.

Parameters:type – “gtest” or “gmock”

The remaining arguments are the same as for catkin_add_executable_with_gtest and catkin_add_executable_with_gmock.


_catkin_add_google_test(type, target)

[function defined in test/gtest.cmake]

This is an internal function, use catkin_add_gtest or catkin_add_gmock instead.

Parameters:type – “gtest” or “gmock”

The remaining arguments are the same as for catkin_add_gtest and catkin_add_gmock.



[macro defined in test/tests.cmake]

creates dummy functions in case testing has been explicitly disabled (and not only skipping) which outputs an error message when being invoked



[macro defined in all.cmake]

enable all new policies (if available)



[macro defined in test/tests.cmake]

checks if a function has been called while testing is skipped and outputs a warning message



[function defined in symlink_install/catkin_install_logic.cmake]

Custom CMake install logic to use symlinks instead of copying resources.

Parameters:ARGN (various) – the same arguments as the CMake install command.


catkin_run_tests_target(type, name, xunit_filename)

[function defined in test/tests.cmake]

Create a test target, integrate it with the run_tests infrastructure and post-process the junit result.

All test results go under ${CATKIN_TEST_RESULTS_DIR}/${PROJECT_NAME}

This function is only used internally by the various catkin_add_*test() functions.



[function defined in catkin_workspace.cmake]

Search all subfolders in the workspace for package.xml files. Based on the dependencies specified in the build_depends, buildtool_depends and (as of package format version 2) test_depends tags it performs a topological sort and calls add_subdirectory() for each directory.

The functions is only called in catkin’s toplevel.cmake, which is usually symlinked to the workspace root directory (which contains multiple packages).



[macro defined in list_append_deduplicate.cmake]

Append elements to a list and remove existing duplicates from the list.


Using CMake’s list(APPEND ..) and list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES ..) is not sufficient since its implementation uses a set internally which makes the operation unstable.



[macro defined in list_append_unique.cmake]

Append elements to a list if they are not already in the list.


Using CMake’s list(APPEND ..) and list(REMOVE_DUPLICATES ..) is not sufficient since its implementation uses a set internally which makes the operation unstable.



[function defined in stamp.cmake]

param path:file name

Uses configure_file to generate a file filepath.stamp hidden somewhere in the build tree. This will cause cmake to rebuild its cache when filepath is modified.


string_starts_with(str, prefix, var)

[function defined in string_starts_with.cmake]

Check if a string starts with a prefix.

  • str (string) – the string
  • prefix (string) – the prefix
  • var (bool) – the output variable name

Not documented CMake functions / macros



[function defined in catkin_package.cmake]



[macro defined in catkin_package_xml.cmake]


_strip_path_prefix(var, value, prefix)

[function defined in test/nosetests.cmake]



[function defined in custom_install.cmake]



[function defined in assert.cmake]


assert_file_exists(FILENAME, MESSAGE)

[function defined in assert.cmake]



[function defined in assert.cmake]


atomic_configure_file(input, output)

[function defined in atomic_configure_file.cmake]


catkin_doxygen(TARGET_NAME, SEARCH_DIRS)

[function defined in tools/doxygen.cmake]



[function defined in catkin_generate_environment.cmake]



[function defined in legacy.cmake]



[function defined in tools/libraries.cmake]



[function defined in debug_message.cmake]


em_expand(context_in, context_out, em_file_in, file_out)

[function defined in em_expand.cmake]


find_program_required(ARG_VAR, ARG_PROGRAM_NAME)

[function defined in find_program_required.cmake]



[function defined in empy.cmake]



[function defined in list_insert_in_workspace_order.cmake]


safe_execute_process(cmd_keyword, arg1)

[function defined in safe_execute_process.cmake]



[function defined in shell.cmake]