GeographicLib::GeodesicExact Member List

This is the complete list of members for GeographicLib::GeodesicExact, including all inherited members.

ALL enum valueGeographicLib::GeodesicExact
ArcDirect(real lat1, real lon1, real azi1, real a12, real &lat2, real &lon2, real &azi2, real &s12, real &m12, real &M12, real &M21, real &S12) constGeographicLib::GeodesicExactinline
ArcDirect(real lat1, real lon1, real azi1, real a12, real &lat2, real &lon2) constGeographicLib::GeodesicExactinline
ArcDirect(real lat1, real lon1, real azi1, real a12, real &lat2, real &lon2, real &azi2) constGeographicLib::GeodesicExactinline
ArcDirect(real lat1, real lon1, real azi1, real a12, real &lat2, real &lon2, real &azi2, real &s12) constGeographicLib::GeodesicExactinline
ArcDirect(real lat1, real lon1, real azi1, real a12, real &lat2, real &lon2, real &azi2, real &s12, real &m12) constGeographicLib::GeodesicExactinline
ArcDirect(real lat1, real lon1, real azi1, real a12, real &lat2, real &lon2, real &azi2, real &s12, real &M12, real &M21) constGeographicLib::GeodesicExactinline
ArcDirect(real lat1, real lon1, real azi1, real a12, real &lat2, real &lon2, real &azi2, real &s12, real &m12, real &M12, real &M21) constGeographicLib::GeodesicExactinline
ArcDirectLine(real lat1, real lon1, real azi1, real a12, unsigned caps=ALL) constGeographicLib::GeodesicExact
AREA enum valueGeographicLib::GeodesicExact
Astroid(real x, real y)GeographicLib::GeodesicExactprivatestatic
AZIMUTH enum valueGeographicLib::GeodesicExact
C4f(real k2, real c[]) constGeographicLib::GeodesicExactprivate
CAP_ALL enum valueGeographicLib::GeodesicExactprivate
CAP_C4 enum valueGeographicLib::GeodesicExactprivate
CAP_D enum valueGeographicLib::GeodesicExactprivate
CAP_E enum valueGeographicLib::GeodesicExactprivate
CAP_H enum valueGeographicLib::GeodesicExactprivate
CAP_MASK enum valueGeographicLib::GeodesicExactprivate
CAP_NONE enum valueGeographicLib::GeodesicExactprivate
captype enum nameGeographicLib::GeodesicExactprivate
CosSeries(real sinx, real cosx, const real c[], int n)GeographicLib::GeodesicExactprivatestatic
Direct(real lat1, real lon1, real azi1, real s12, real &lat2, real &lon2, real &azi2, real &m12, real &M12, real &M21, real &S12) constGeographicLib::GeodesicExactinline
Direct(real lat1, real lon1, real azi1, real s12, real &lat2, real &lon2) constGeographicLib::GeodesicExactinline
Direct(real lat1, real lon1, real azi1, real s12, real &lat2, real &lon2, real &azi2) constGeographicLib::GeodesicExactinline
Direct(real lat1, real lon1, real azi1, real s12, real &lat2, real &lon2, real &azi2, real &m12) constGeographicLib::GeodesicExactinline
Direct(real lat1, real lon1, real azi1, real s12, real &lat2, real &lon2, real &azi2, real &M12, real &M21) constGeographicLib::GeodesicExactinline
Direct(real lat1, real lon1, real azi1, real s12, real &lat2, real &lon2, real &azi2, real &m12, real &M12, real &M21) constGeographicLib::GeodesicExactinline
DirectLine(real lat1, real lon1, real azi1, real s12, unsigned caps=ALL) constGeographicLib::GeodesicExact
DISTANCE enum valueGeographicLib::GeodesicExact
DISTANCE_IN enum valueGeographicLib::GeodesicExact
EllipsoidArea() constGeographicLib::GeodesicExactinline
Flattening() constGeographicLib::GeodesicExactinline
GenDirect(real lat1, real lon1, real azi1, bool arcmode, real s12_a12, unsigned outmask, real &lat2, real &lon2, real &azi2, real &s12, real &m12, real &M12, real &M21, real &S12) constGeographicLib::GeodesicExact
GenDirectLine(real lat1, real lon1, real azi1, bool arcmode, real s12_a12, unsigned caps=ALL) constGeographicLib::GeodesicExact
GenInverse(real lat1, real lon1, real lat2, real lon2, unsigned outmask, real &s12, real &salp1, real &calp1, real &salp2, real &calp2, real &m12, real &M12, real &M21, real &S12) constGeographicLib::GeodesicExactprivate
GenInverse(real lat1, real lon1, real lat2, real lon2, unsigned outmask, real &s12, real &azi1, real &azi2, real &m12, real &M12, real &M21, real &S12) constGeographicLib::GeodesicExact
GeodesicExact(real a, real f)GeographicLib::GeodesicExact
GeodesicLineExact classGeographicLib::GeodesicExactfriend
GEODESICSCALE enum valueGeographicLib::GeodesicExact
Inverse(real lat1, real lon1, real lat2, real lon2, real &s12, real &azi1, real &azi2, real &m12, real &M12, real &M21, real &S12) constGeographicLib::GeodesicExactinline
Inverse(real lat1, real lon1, real lat2, real lon2, real &s12) constGeographicLib::GeodesicExactinline
Inverse(real lat1, real lon1, real lat2, real lon2, real &azi1, real &azi2) constGeographicLib::GeodesicExactinline
Inverse(real lat1, real lon1, real lat2, real lon2, real &s12, real &azi1, real &azi2) constGeographicLib::GeodesicExactinline
Inverse(real lat1, real lon1, real lat2, real lon2, real &s12, real &azi1, real &azi2, real &m12) constGeographicLib::GeodesicExactinline
Inverse(real lat1, real lon1, real lat2, real lon2, real &s12, real &azi1, real &azi2, real &M12, real &M21) constGeographicLib::GeodesicExactinline
Inverse(real lat1, real lon1, real lat2, real lon2, real &s12, real &azi1, real &azi2, real &m12, real &M12, real &M21) constGeographicLib::GeodesicExactinline
InverseLine(real lat1, real lon1, real lat2, real lon2, unsigned caps=ALL) constGeographicLib::GeodesicExact
InverseStart(EllipticFunction &E, real sbet1, real cbet1, real dn1, real sbet2, real cbet2, real dn2, real lam12, real slam12, real clam12, real &salp1, real &calp1, real &salp2, real &calp2, real &dnm) constGeographicLib::GeodesicExactprivate
Lambda12(real sbet1, real cbet1, real dn1, real sbet2, real cbet2, real dn2, real salp1, real calp1, real slam120, real clam120, real &salp2, real &calp2, real &sig12, real &ssig1, real &csig1, real &ssig2, real &csig2, EllipticFunction &E, real &domg12, bool diffp, real &dlam12) constGeographicLib::GeodesicExactprivate
LATITUDE enum valueGeographicLib::GeodesicExact
Lengths(const EllipticFunction &E, real sig12, real ssig1, real csig1, real dn1, real ssig2, real csig2, real dn2, real cbet1, real cbet2, unsigned outmask, real &s12s, real &m12a, real &m0, real &M12, real &M21) constGeographicLib::GeodesicExactprivate
Line(real lat1, real lon1, real azi1, unsigned caps=ALL) constGeographicLib::GeodesicExact
LONG_UNROLL enum valueGeographicLib::GeodesicExact
LONGITUDE enum valueGeographicLib::GeodesicExact
MajorRadius() constGeographicLib::GeodesicExactinline
mask enum nameGeographicLib::GeodesicExact
NONE enum valueGeographicLib::GeodesicExact
OUT_ALL enum valueGeographicLib::GeodesicExactprivate
OUT_MASK enum valueGeographicLib::GeodesicExactprivate
real typedefGeographicLib::GeodesicExactprivate
reale(long long hi, long long lo)GeographicLib::GeodesicExactinlineprivatestatic
REDUCEDLENGTH enum valueGeographicLib::GeodesicExact

autogenerated on Fri Oct 4 2024 03:15:57