Changelog for package towr
1.1.0 (2018-02-06)
- add metapackage towr and move algorithm to towr_core
- create separate ros independent example package "towr_ros"
- replaced ros-keyboard dependency with ncurses
- moved all robot specific model/gait generators out of towr -> towr_ros
- use only one unified represenatation for nodes and states
- remove xpp states dependency
- added base_nodes class that derives from node_variables
- add observer pattern (spline observes node_values and contact_schedule).
- added spline_holder to not always have to reconstruct from variables
- separated spline and node values
- adapted to changed ifopt namespace (opt -> ifopt)
- removed unused variables in polynomial
- renamed pkg from xpp_opt to towr
- Contributors: Alexander Winkler
1.0.0 (2017-09-19)