Changelog for package robotis_framework
0.2.9 (2018-03-22)
- added serivce for setting module
- deleted comment for debug
- modified to prevent duplicate indirect address write
- added boost system dependencies
- fixed a bug that occure when handling bulk read item that does not exist
- Contributors: Kayman, Zerom, Pyo
0.2.8 (2018-03-20)
- added RH-P12-RN.device file
- modified CMakeLists.txt for system dependencies (yaml-cpp)
- Contributors: Zerom, Pyo
0.2.7 (2018-03-15)
- changed all values read by bulk read are saved to dxl_state_->bulk_read_table_.
- Modified to prevent duplicate indirect address write
- fixed a bug that occur when handling bulk read item that does not exist
- changed the License and package format to version 2
- Contributors: SCH, Zerom, Pyo
0.2.6 (2017-08-09)
- multi thread bug fixed.
- unnecessary debug print removed.
- OpenCR control table item name changed. (torque_enable -> dynamixel_power)
- fixed to not update update_time_stamp_ if bulk read fails.
- Contributors: Zerom
0.2.5 (2017-06-09)
- updated for yaml-cpp dependencies (robotis_controller)
- Contributors: SCH
0.2.4 (2017-06-07)
- added cmake_modules in package.xml
- Contributors: SCH
0.2.3 (2017-05-23)
- updated the cmake file for ros install
- Contributors: SCH
0.2.2 (2017-04-24)
- added a deivce: OpenCR
- updated robotis_controller.cpp
- changed to read control cycle from .robot file
- Contributors: Zerom, Kayman
0.2.1 (2016-11-23)
- Merge the changes and update
0.2.0 (2016-08-31)
- updated CHANGLOG.rst for minor release
0.1.1 (2016-08-18)
- updated the package information