Changelog for package pr2_controller_configuration
1.6.31 (2020-04-14)
- fixed integer cast to void* warning in pr2_ethercat; fixed broken launchtest for now
- Contributors: David Feil-Seifer
1.6.30 (2018-04-23)
1.6.29 (2018-04-22)
1.6.28 (2018-04-21)
1.6.27 (2018-04-20)
1.6.26 (2018-03-19)
1.6.25 (2018-03-19)
- updated packages for new maintainer
- updated changelogs
- Contributors: David Feil-Seifer
1.6.7 (2015-02-11)
- Updated mainpage.dox
- Corrected typo in description of pr2 effort controllers.
- Contributors: Georg Bartels, TheDash