[capability][chomp] Failure recovery options for CHOMP by tweaking parameters (#987)
[capability] New screen for automatically generating interfaces to low level controllers(#951, #994, #908)
[capability] Perception screen for using laser scanner point clouds. (#969)
[enhancement][GUI] Logo for MoveIt! 2.0, cleanup appearance (#1059)
[enhancement][GUI] added a setup assistant window icon (#1028)
[enhancement][GUI] Planning Groups screen (#1017)
[enhancement] use panda for test, and write test file in tmp dir (#1042)
[enhancement] Added capabilties as arg to move_group.launch (#998)
[enhancement] Add moveit_setup_assistant as depenency of all *_moveit_config pkgs (#1029)
[maintenance] various compiler warnings (#1038)
[maintenance] Renamed wedgits in setup assistant wedgit to follow convention (#995)
[capability][chomp] cleanup of unused parameters and code + addition of trajectory initialization methods (linear, cubic, quintic-spline) (#960)
Contributors: Alexander Gutenkunst, Dave Coleman, Mike Lautman, MohmadAyman, Mohmmad Ayman, Raghavender Sahdev, Robert Haschke, Sohieb Abdelrahman, mike lautman