Changelog for package mbf_abstract_nav
0.3.3 (2020-11-05)
- On move_base action, handle properly RECALLED, REJECTED and LOST status, see #228
- Fill recovery result field used_plugin, see #229
- Signal from setState function, see #236
- Controller fails if robot pose gets older than tf_timeout, see #231
- Send move_base result when canceled during exe_path and recovery, see #218
- On controller cancel, wait for the control loop to stop, see #215
- Ensure MBF does not crash upon receiving an empty path, see #214
- Make robot_info a reference to keep one single instance, see #204
- mbf_abstract_nav action event logging from INFO to DEBUG, see #203
- Fix deallocation on shutdown by discarding all plugins and resetting action server pointers, see #199
- Move RobotInformation to mbf_utility, as it can be used generaly, see #196
0.3.2 (2020-05-25)
- Avoid duplicated warn logging output when we cannot cancel a plugin
- Remove unused methods and attributes from AbstractNavigationServer, which are already present at other places
- Reuse execution slots; cleanup only at destruction
- Enable different goal tolerance values for each action
0.3.1 (2020-04-07)
0.3.0 (2020-03-31)
- Clean up patience exceeded method
- Add last valid cmd time as class variable
- Add started state and improve output messages
- Unify license declaration to BSD-3
- Add parameter force_stop_on_cancel to send a zero-speed command on cancelation (default: true)
- remove explicit boost-exception dependency, Boost >= 1.69 provides exception by default.
- Allow the user time-consuming cancel implementations
- Rename abstract_action.h as abstract_action_base.hpp
- Remane robot_Information.cpp as robot_information.cpp
- Unify headers definitions and namespace intentation
- Add parameter to actively stop once the goal is reached
- Exit immediately from action done callbacks when action_state is CANCELED
0.2.5 (2019-10-11)
- Update goal pose on replanning, so the feedback remains consistent
- Fix: Reset oscillation timer after executing a recovery behavior
- Remove debug log messages
- Do not pass boost functions to abstract server to (de)activate costmaps.
Run instead abstract methods (possibly) overridden in the costmap server,
all costmap-related handling refactored to a new CostmapWrapper class
- On controller execution, check that local costmap is current
- On move_base action, use MoveBaseResult constant to fill outcome in case of oscilation
0.2.4 (2019-06-16)
- Reduce log verbosity by combining lines and using more DEBUG
- Concurrency container refactoring
- Prevent LOST goals when replanning
- Set as canceled, when goals are preempted by a new plan
- move setAccepted to abstract action
- moved listener notification down after setVelocity
- fix: Correctly fill in the ExePathResult fields
- Fix controller_patience when controller_max_retries is -1
- Change current_twist for last_cmd_vel on exe_path/feedback
- Replace recursive mutexes with normal ones when not needed
- Give feedback with outcome and message for success and error cases from the plugin.
0.2.3 (2018-11-14)
- Do not publish path from MBF
- Single publisher for controller execution objects
- Ignore max_retries if value is negative and patience if 0
- Avoid annoying INFO log msg on recovery
0.2.2 (2018-10-10)
- Add outcome and message to the action's feedback in ExePath and MoveBase
0.2.1 (2018-10-03)
- Fix memory leak
- Fix uninitialized value for cost
- Make MBF melodic and indigo compatible
- Fix GoalHandle references bug in callbacks
0.2.0 (2018-09-11)
- Update copyright and 3-clause-BSD license
- Concurrency for planners, controllers and recovery behaviors
- New class structure, allowing multiple executoin instances
- Fixes minor bugs
0.1.0 (2018-03-22)
- First release of move_base_flex for kinetic and lunar