Changelog for package mav_msgs
3.3.3 (2019-08-16)
- Add degrees_of_freedom to EigenTrajectoryPoint for 6DOF compatibility.
- Add functions to common.h:
- skewMatrixFromVector, vectorFromSkewMatrix, isRotationMatrix,
- matrixFromRotationVector, vectorFromRotationMatrix, omegaFromRotationVector
- omegaDotFromRotationVector
3.3.2 (2018-08-22)
- Fix indigo eigen3 compatibility.
3.3.1 (2018-08-21)
- Fix Eigen3 warning. Migration from Jade.
- Change maintainer.
3.3.0 (2018-08-17)
- Add time conversion utilities.
- Add motor position and force default topics.
- Add conversion from pose message to Eigen trajectory point.
- Add angular accelerations as member of EigenMavState to calculate motor speeds.
- Contributors: Helen Oleynikova, Karen Bodie, Rik Bähnemann
3.2.0 (2017-03-02)
- Access covariance in eigen odometry
- External force default topic
- External wind speed default topic
3.1.0 (2016-12-01)
- Add getEulerAngles method to EigenOdometry message.
- Improved quaternionFromMsg unit quaternion checking.
- Add EigenMavState to eigen_mav_msgs.
- Add EigenMavStateFromEigenTrajectoryPoint conversion.
- Add timestamp_ns to EigenTrajectoryPoint.
- Add default values in a seperate header.
- Add in_air bool to Status.msg.
- Add many helper function to calculate earth gravitational field based on hight and latitude, get euler angles from quaternion and shortest distance between two yaw angles.
- Contributors: Mina Kamel, Helen Oleynikova, Michael Burri
3.0.0 (2015-08-09)
- Dropped "Command" from the names of all messages.
- Converted CommandPositionYawTrajectory message to MultiDOFJointTrajectory (with an additional option to use a geometry_msgs/PoseStamped instead) as the two ways to send trajectory/waypoint commands.
- Added conversions between the Eigen and ROS message types.
- Switched to using full orientation instead of just yaw where appropriate.
- Documented reference frame in the Eigen messages where possible.
- Contributors: Helen Oleynikova, Markus Achtelik
2.0.3 (2015-05-22)
- added install target for include
Headers can be included outside of this package.
- Contributors: Fadri Furrer