Changelog for package hector_sensors_description
0.5.0 (2018-06-29)
- added calibration parameter
- added macro for generic 360 cameras
- add the realsense D435
- Add macro for being able to set realsense params in more detail
- Update VLP16 macro to provide normal and advanced versions
- Properly use cameraName tag and topics relative to camera namespace
- Fix ricoh_theta camera name and topic setup
- Add ricoh_theta model usable with gazebo8+
- Merge branch 'kinetic-devel' of into kinetic-devel
- Merge branch 'update_transmissions' into kinetic-devel
Fix xmlns for all xacro files
- Merge pull request #5 from cschindlbeck/fix_include_in_kinect
Fix missing include in kinect_camera
- Reduce vlp16 min range
- Fix missing include in kinect
- Optimize simulated vlp16 for performance
- fixed warning
- Add optional macro for setting realsense topics
- Reduce min range for Realsense as we're mostly interested in rgb data for now
- Fix R200 FOV to be in line with real camera
- Switch to using velodyne_simulator
- VLP-16 basics
- changed minimal laser scanner distance
- Fix coloring for simulated depth cameras (RGB vs BGR)
- Adjust realsense FOV to be in line with real rgb sensor FOV
- Modify realsense r200 macro to also make version without geometry available
- Merge commit '57d7a25756af77265cfd73298fa5d32' into indigo-devel
- Change thermal cam default topic name to image_raw instead of image
- Move cam link to where real realsense driver expects it (rgb cam frame)
- Remove frames as part of model as they are published based on internal intrinsics on real sensor
- Corrected realsense frames and measures
- Image topic corrected
- Changed resolution to match real cam
- Contributors: Alexander Stumpf, Chris Schindlbeck, Christian Rose, Marius Schnaubelt, Martin Oehler, Philipp Schillinger, Stefan Kohlbrecher
0.4.2 (2016-06-24)
- Update flir a35 camera macro
- Add gazebo material for flir and realsense models
- Add models for flir a35 and realsense r200 cameras
- Formatting of thermaleye_camera macro
- Contributors: Stefan Kohlbrecher
0.4.1 (2015-11-08)
- hector_components_description/hector_sensors_description: added xacro namespace prefix to macro calls
- Cleaned up root element xmlns arguments according to
- hector_sensors_description: removed deprecated plugin parameters and added noise to the hokuyo_utm30lx_model macro (fix #1)
- Contributors: Johannes Meyer
0.4.0 (2015-11-07)
- Add zoom camera xacro macro. Only works starting with Gazebo6
- Update asus_camera.urdf.xacro
Clarify macro use.
- Remove link geometries where not needed
Add generic_thermal_camera macro
- Update how spinning hokuyo is set up
- Update hokuyo gpu xacro macro
- Properly use camera name
- changed asus description, collision geometry needs to match visual geometry for 3d self filter to work.
- Add generic stereo camera macro
- Use cylinder collision geom as box gives spurious errors in LIDAR scans in some URDFs
- Contributors: Florian Kunz, Stefan Kohlbrecher
0.3.2 (2014-09-01)
- Updated asus xtion pro live mesh to reflect actual sensor dimensions, add stl version
- Contributors: Stefan Kohlbrecher
0.3.1 (2014-03-30)
- added hokuyo_utm30lx_model and hokuyo_utm30lx_gpu macros and disabled gpu laser in default hokuyo_utm30lx macro
- use gpu_ray sensor in hydro
- Contributors: Johannes Meyer
0.3.0 (2013-09-02)
- catkinized stack hector_models