YDevice Member List

This is the complete list of members for YDevice, including all inherited members.

clearCache(bool clearSubpath)YDevice
getDevice(YDEV_DESCR devdescr)YDevicestatic
getFunctions(vector< YFUN_DESCR > **functions, string &errmsg)YDevice
HTTPRequest(int channel, const string &request, string &buffer, yapiRequestProgressCallback progress_cb, void *progress_ctx, string &errmsg)YDevice
HTTPRequest_unsafe(int channel, const string &request, string &buffer, yapiRequestProgressCallback progress_cb, void *progress_ctx, string &errmsg)YDeviceprivate
HTTPRequestAsync(int channel, const string &request, HTTPRequestCallback callback, void *context, string &errmsg)YDevice
HTTPRequestPrepare(const string &request, string &fullrequest, char *errbuff)YDeviceprivate
requestAPI(YJSONObject *&apires, string &errmsg)YDevice
YDevice(YDEV_DESCR devdesc)YDeviceprivate

Author(s): Anja Sheppard
autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 15:49:13