File: tuw_multi_robot_msgs/RobotInfo.msg
Raw Message Definition
## Presents dynamic parameters of a robot
Header header # the creation time
string robot_name # the name of the robot (used in preconditions and topics)
geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovariance pose # the robots current pose within the frame related to the msgs header
int32 shape # the shape of the robots (see enums)
float32[] shape_variables # shape variables to define width height, ...
RoutePrecondition sync # the current position in the last received plan (-1 means none)
int32 mode # the mode of operation
int32 status # the status of the robot
int32 good_id # the good id attached to the robot
# mode
int32 MODE_NA = 0 # undefined mode
int32 MODE_IDLE = 1 # robot is idle
int32 MODE_SEGMENT_FOLLOWING = 2 # robot is in mode segment following
int32 MODE_PICKUP = 3 # robot is picking up goods
# status
int32 STATUS_DRIVING = 0 # robot is driving
int32 STATUS_STOPPED = 1 # robot has stopped
int32 STATUS_DONE = 2 # robot has finished its last job
int32 STATUS_BROKEN = 3 # robot is broken and not ready for any task
# good_id
int32 GOOD_EMPTY = -1 # no goods attached
int32 GOOD_NA = -2 # undefined good
# shape
int32 SHAPE_CIRCLE = 0 # robot is in shape of a circle ShapeVars
Compact Message Definition