This is the complete list of members for tuw::Contour, including all inherited members.
AllocateMemory() | tuw::Contour | private |
ANGLE_32F | tuw::Contour | static |
ANGLE_64F | tuw::Contour | static |
ANGLE_8U | tuw::Contour | static |
Contour() | tuw::Contour | |
dPi | tuw::Contour | privatestatic |
Draw(unsigned char *pImgRGB) | tuw::Contour | |
fPi | tuw::Contour | privatestatic |
GetAbnormitiesInEdgesImage(IplImage *ptImgEdge, std::vector< CvPoint > *pAbnormities, uchar iEdgeStrength=0) | tuw::Contour | |
getContours(std::vector< std::vector< cv::Point > > &contours, unsigned min_length=0) | tuw::Contour | |
GetEdgeListSplittedXY(std::vector< cv::Point_< int > > &rEdges, std::vector< unsigned char > **ppAngle8Bit=NULL) | tuw::Contour | |
GetImgDirectionIndex(CvPoint tPoint) | tuw::Contour | private |
getImgEdge(CvPoint tPoint) | tuw::Contour | inlineprivate |
GetNeighborPoint(CvPoint pPtrCenter, int iNeighborIndex) | tuw::Contour | privatestatic |
GetNrOfEdges() | tuw::Contour | inline |
getSegmentIndexes() | tuw::Contour | |
Init(unsigned int iImgWidth, unsigned int iImgHeight, bool bAllowToModifyTheSources=false, unsigned char iEdgeToProcess=0xFF, unsigned char iEdgeInProcess=0xFF-1, unsigned char iEdgeProcessed=0xFF-2, unsigned char iEdgeStrengthRemoved=0) | tuw::Contour | |
isInImage(const CvPoint &p) | tuw::Contour | inlineprivate |
Linking_Complex() | tuw::Contour | private |
Linking_Contour() | tuw::Contour | private |
Linking_Gradient() | tuw::Contour | private |
Linking_Simple() | tuw::Contour | private |
mAngle8Bit | tuw::Contour | private |
markNeighborEdgesAsProcessed(unsigned char *pPix) | tuw::Contour | inlineprivate |
mbAllowToModifyTheSources | tuw::Contour | private |
mdefEdgeLinkMode | tuw::Contour | private |
mdImgEdgeDirectionType | tuw::Contour | private |
mEdgeInProcess | tuw::Contour | private |
mEdgeProcessed | tuw::Contour | private |
mEdges | tuw::Contour | private |
mEdgeToProcess | tuw::Contour | private |
mImgHeight | tuw::Contour | private |
mImgWidth | tuw::Contour | private |
mNrOfEdges | tuw::Contour | private |
MODE_COMPLEX | tuw::Contour | static |
MODE_CONTOUR | tuw::Contour | static |
MODE_GRAIDENT | tuw::Contour | static |
MODE_SIMPLE | tuw::Contour | static |
mpImgEdge | tuw::Contour | private |
mpImgEdgeDirection | tuw::Contour | private |
mSegments | tuw::Contour | private |
Perform(unsigned char *pImgEdgeStrength, int defEdgeLinkMode=MODE_CONTOUR, void *pImgEdgeDirection=NULL, int defImgEdgeDirectionType=ANGLE_8U) | tuw::Contour | |
ppContourWeightsField | tuw::Contour | privatestatic |
ppGradientWeightsField | tuw::Contour | privatestatic |
pppCommingFromEdgeWeightsField | tuw::Contour | privatestatic |
pppDirectionWeightsField | tuw::Contour | privatestatic |
RelaseMemory() | tuw::Contour | private |
SortArrayIndexes(int *pArray, int *pIndexes, const int iSize) | tuw::Contour | privatestatic |
SumArrayMatrix(int *pMatrixA, int *pMatrixB, int *pSum, const int iSize) | tuw::Contour | inlineprivate |
Trace_Complex(CvPoint tPoint, int *pEnd, unsigned int iCommingFromEdge) | tuw::Contour | private |
Trace_Contour(CvPoint tPoint, int *pEnd, unsigned int iCommingFromEdge) | tuw::Contour | private |
Trace_Gradient(CvPoint tPoint, int *pEnd) | tuw::Contour | private |
Trace_Simple(CvPoint tPoint, int *pEnd) | tuw::Contour | private |
~Contour() | tuw::Contour |