This is the complete list of members for teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand, including all inherited members.
addPose(const PoseSE2 &pose, bool fixed=false) | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | |
addPose(const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > &position, double theta, bool fixed=false) | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | |
addPose(double x, double y, double theta, bool fixed=false) | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | |
addPoseAndTimeDiff(const PoseSE2 &pose, double dt) | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | |
addPoseAndTimeDiff(const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > &position, double theta, double dt) | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | |
addPoseAndTimeDiff(double x, double y, double theta, double dt) | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | |
addTimeDiff(double dt, bool fixed=false) | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | |
autoResize(double dt_ref, double dt_hysteresis, int min_samples=3, int max_samples=1000, bool fast_mode=false) | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | |
BackPose() | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | inline |
BackPose() const | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | inline |
BackTimeDiff() | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | inline |
BackTimeDiff() const | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | inline |
clearTimedElasticBand() | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | |
deletePose(int index) | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | |
deletePoses(int index, int number) | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | |
deleteTimeDiff(int index) | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | |
deleteTimeDiffs(int index, int number) | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | |
findClosestTrajectoryPose(const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > &ref_point, double *distance=NULL, int begin_idx=0) const | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | |
findClosestTrajectoryPose(const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > &ref_line_start, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > &ref_line_end, double *distance=NULL) const | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | |
findClosestTrajectoryPose(const Point2dContainer &vertices, double *distance=NULL) const | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | |
findClosestTrajectoryPose(const Obstacle &obstacle, double *distance=NULL) const | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | |
getAccumulatedDistance() const | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | |
getSumOfAllTimeDiffs() const | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | |
getSumOfTimeDiffsUpToIdx(int index) const | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | |
initTEBtoGoal(const PoseSE2 &start, const PoseSE2 &goal, double diststep=0, double timestep=1, int min_samples=3, bool guess_backwards_motion=false) | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | inline |
initTEBtoGoal(BidirIter path_start, BidirIter path_end, Fun fun_position, double max_vel_x, double max_vel_theta, boost::optional< double > max_acc_x, boost::optional< double > max_acc_theta, boost::optional< double > start_orientation, boost::optional< double > goal_orientation, int min_samples=3, bool guess_backwards_motion=false) | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | inline |
initTEBtoGoal(const std::vector< geometry_msgs::PoseStamped > &plan, double dt, bool estimate_orient=false, int min_samples=3, bool guess_backwards_motion=false) | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | inline |
initTrajectoryToGoal(const PoseSE2 &start, const PoseSE2 &goal, double diststep=0, double max_vel_x=0.5, int min_samples=3, bool guess_backwards_motion=false) | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | |
initTrajectoryToGoal(BidirIter path_start, BidirIter path_end, Fun fun_position, double max_vel_x, double max_vel_theta, boost::optional< double > max_acc_x, boost::optional< double > max_acc_theta, boost::optional< double > start_orientation, boost::optional< double > goal_orientation, int min_samples=3, bool guess_backwards_motion=false) | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | |
initTrajectoryToGoal(const std::vector< geometry_msgs::PoseStamped > &plan, double max_vel_x, bool estimate_orient=false, int min_samples=3, bool guess_backwards_motion=false) | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | |
insertPose(int index, const PoseSE2 &pose) | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | |
insertPose(int index, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::Vector2d > &position, double theta) | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | |
insertPose(int index, double x, double y, double theta) | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | |
insertTimeDiff(int index, double dt) | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | |
isInit() const | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | inline |
isTrajectoryInsideRegion(double radius, double max_dist_behind_robot=-1, int skip_poses=0) | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | |
Pose(int index) | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | inline |
Pose(int index) const | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | inline |
pose_vec_ | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | protected |
poses() | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | inline |
poses() const | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | inline |
PoseVertex(int index) | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | inline |
setPoseVertexFixed(int index, bool status) | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | |
setTimeDiffVertexFixed(int index, bool status) | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | |
sizePoses() const | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | inline |
sizeTimeDiffs() const | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | inline |
TimedElasticBand() | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | |
TimeDiff(int index) | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | inline |
TimeDiff(int index) const | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | inline |
timediff_vec_ | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | protected |
timediffs() | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | inline |
timediffs() const | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | inline |
TimeDiffVertex(int index) | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | inline |
updateAndPruneTEB(boost::optional< const PoseSE2 & > new_start, boost::optional< const PoseSE2 & > new_goal, int min_samples=3) | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | |
~TimedElasticBand() | teb_local_planner::TimedElasticBand | virtual |