Ranger model
Collaboration diagram for Ranger model:

The ranger model simulates an array of sonar or infra-red (IR) range sensors.

API: Stg::ModelRanger

Worldfile properties

Summary and default values
# ranger-specific properties

sensor (
pose [ x y z a ]
size [  x y z ]
fov a
range [min max]

# generic model properties with non-default values
watts 2.0
color_rgba [ 0 1 0 0.15 ]

The ranger model allows configuration of the pose, size and view parameters of each transducer seperately (using spose[index], ssize[index] and sview[index]). However, most users will set a common size and view (using ssize and sview), and just specify individual transducer poses.


Author(s): Richard Vaughan , Brian Gerkey , Reed Hedges , Andrew Howard , Toby Collett , Pooya Karimian , Jeremy Asher , Alex Couture-Beil , Geoff Biggs , Rich Mattes , Abbas Sadat
autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 15:06:11