The ranger model simulates a simple two-fingered gripper with two internal break-beams, similar to the the Pioneer gripper.
Worldfile properties
- Summary and default values
# gripper properties
paddle_size [ 0.66 0.1 0.4 ]
paddle_state [ "open" "down" ]
autosnatch 0
# model properties
size [ 0.2 0.3 0.2 ]
- Notes
- Details
- autosnatch < 0 or 1>
iff 1, gripper will close automatically when break beams are broken
- paddle_size [ <float x>=""> <float y < float z> ]
Gripper paddle size as a proportion of the model's body size (0.0 to 1.0)
- paddle_state [ <string open/close> <string up/down> ]
Gripper arms state, either "open" or "closed", and lift state, either "up" or "down"