ROS1 Python Template

This package is a template to be used as a reference when creating a new ROS1 node with python, to be used with catkin. In this package we are following as much as possible, where it makes sense.


  • Create a catkin_workspace ( Ref : )

  • Add this ros1_pytemplate package into src/ of the workspace (and maybe more like beginner_tutorials)

  • Build the workspace (Ref :

  • Source the devel workspace:

    $ source devel/setup.bash
  • manually run some python test:

    $ nosetests tests/test_ros1_pytemplate/
  • manually run some ROS tests:

    $ rostest ros1_pytemplate oracle.test
  • run all the tests:

    $ catkin run_tests
  • launch some nodes (log on terminal):

    $ roslaunch ros1_pytemplate all.launch --screen
  • install that workspace:

    $ make install
  • source the install workspace:

    $ source install/setup.bash
  • launch some nodes (log in files in .ros/log):

    $ roslaunch ros1_pytemplate all.launch