Source code for ros1_pip_pytemplate.tests.test_lib_module_embedded

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

Test for lib_module
Reference :

import unittest
    # Python >= 3.3
    import unittest.mock as mock
except ImportError:
    import mock as mock

import pytest

    from io import StringIO
except ImportError:  # py27
    from StringIO import StringIO

import requests

# If we are calling pytest at a different hierarchical level than ros1_pip_pytemplate,
# we need first to install the module before testing,
# which is good practice anyway, to make sure the install process also works.
# Works out of the box with catkin build,
# When running from pure python, use pip in a virtual environment !
# If access to ROS packages is needed (via pyros-setup) don't forget to enable site-packages.

# Here we are testing the core python code, importing only that module
from .. import Httpbin

# Basic UnitTest TestCase
[docs]class TestHttpbin(unittest.TestCase): # fixture
[docs] def setUp(self): self.httpbin = Httpbin('')
# The parent package has already been imported and loggers have been created. # Here we patch the existing logger to confirm message is being logged # Note there is also pytest-catchlog that can setup a pytest fixture for this... @mock.patch('ros1_pip_pytemplate.lib_module._logger')
[docs] def test_retrieve(self, mock_logger): resp = self.httpbin.get(params={"answer": "42"})"Sending GET request to") status_code = resp.status_code json_data = resp.json() assert status_code == assert json_data.get('origin') is not None assert json_data.get('url') is not None assert json_data.get('args') == {'answer': '42'}
# In case we run this by itself, outside of a testing framework like pytest if __name__ == '__main__': pytest.main(['-s', '-x', __file__])