Source code for rocon_uri.rules
# License: BSD
# Description
.. module:: rules
:platform: Unix
:synopsis: EBNF rules used in parsing rocon_uri strings.
This module defines `ebnf rules`_ used in parsing rocon_uri strings. It should
never be used directly, it is the engine for the core parsing and
manipulation module.
.. _`ebnf rules`:
# Imports
import os
import yaml
# Local imports
# Rules
[docs]def load_rules_into_dictionary():
Load the rules in rocon_uri/src/rocon_uri/rules/rules.yaml into a python dictionary
:returns: python dictionary of rules loaded from yaml.
:rtype: str
yaml_filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'rules', 'rules.yaml')
with open(yaml_filename) as f:
yaml_rules = yaml.load(f)
return yaml_rules
[docs]def walk_yaml_rules(name, root=None):
A generator which walks through the yaml list of rules.
Works in almost exactly the same way as os.path.walk. If a root for a
ebnf rules dictionary is not specified, it will load the default rules dictionary, see
for name, group, elements in walk_yaml('hardware_platform', yaml_rules['hardware_platform']):
print("Name: %s" % name)
print(" Group: %s" % group)
print(" Elements: %s" % elements)
:param name: a name to attach to the current 3-tuple that gets yielded by the generator.
:type name: str
:param root: a python dictionary representing the root of an object loaded from a yaml rules file
:type root: dict
#print("Walking %s" % name)
if root is None:
root = load_rules_into_dictionary()
groups = {}
elements = []
for element in root:
if isinstance(element, dict):
# Make sure the elements are in reverse order so when ebnf rule matching happens
# turtlebot2 tries to match before turtlebot
#print(" Groups: %s" % groups.keys())
#print(" Elements: %s" % elements)
yield (name, groups.keys(), elements)
if not groups.keys():
for key, value in groups.iteritems():
for x in walk_yaml_rules(name + '/' + key, value):
yield x
[docs]def load_ebnf_rules():
Load our rules from yaml and construct an `ebnf <>`_
rules dictionary for parsing rocon uri strings.
:returns: python dictionary of rules loaded from yaml.
:rtype: str
yaml_rule_sets = {}
yaml_rules = load_rules_into_dictionary()
for yaml_rule_set in yaml_rules: # merge each of hardware_platform, application_framework, os into one dictionary
# special case, add the names as an empty list
yaml_rule_sets['name'] = []
for yaml_rule_set_name, yaml_rule_set in yaml_rule_sets.iteritems():
rules = []
#rules.append('option verbose')
rules.append('init %s_list=[]' % yaml_rule_set_name)
rules.append('pattern ::= zero element*')
rules.append('zero ::= %s @%s_list.append("$%s")' % (yaml_rule_set_name, yaml_rule_set_name, yaml_rule_set_name))
rules.append('element ::= "|" %s @%s_list.append("$%s")' % (yaml_rule_set_name, yaml_rule_set_name, yaml_rule_set_name))
for name, groups, elements in walk_yaml_rules(yaml_rule_set_name, yaml_rule_set):
# Accept a wildcard for each
rule = '%s ::= "*"' % name.split('/')[-1]
element_rules = ' | '.join(['"%s"' % element for element in elements])
group_rules = ' | '.join(groups)
if groups:
rule += " | " + group_rules
if elements:
rule += " | " + element_rules
# special case - let anything through for names.
if yaml_rule_set_name == "name":
rule += ' | r"\S"*'
yaml_rule_sets[yaml_rule_set_name] = rules
return yaml_rule_sets