Third Party Modules


A configuration toolkit for yaml on pypi.

Configure is a tiny module that provides some really nice features on top of the regular yaml library. For us specifically, the two that grab the headlines include:

  • include : via either inheritance or composition
  • merge : merge another yaml on top of your current one.


Inheritance (extending). This is a useful way of providing overrides. Note that filenames can be relative or absolute.

# defaults.conf
dude: joe

# overrides.conf
dude: tarzan
dudette: jane

Composition, which puts another yaml in a namespace in the current yaml.

# lads.conf
dude: tarzan

# lasses.conf
lads: !includes:lads.conf
  dudette: jane


configuration = Configuration.from_file('./configuration.yaml').configure()
customisation = Configuration.from_file('./customisation.yaml').configure()
new_configuration = configuration.merge(customisation)