Source code for rocon_python_utils.yaml.configure


    configure -- configuration machinery on top of YAML


import sys
from os import path, mkdir
from inspect import getargspec
from types import FunctionType
from re import compile as re_compile
from collections import MutableMapping, Mapping
from datetime import timedelta

    from yaml import Loader as Loader
except ImportError:
    from yaml import Loader

__all__ = (
    "Configuration", "ConfigurationError", "configure_logging",
    "format_config", "print_config", "import_string", "ImportStringError")

[docs]class ConfigurationError(ValueError): """ Configuration error"""
[docs]class Configuration(MutableMapping): """ Configuration object You should never instantiate this object but use ``from_file``, ``from_string`` or ``from_dict`` classmethods instead. Implements :class:`collections.MutableMapping` protocol. """ _constructors = {} _multi_constructors = {} def __init__(self, struct=None, pwd=None, parent=None): self._pwd = pwd or "." self._parent = parent self.__struct = struct
[docs] def merge(self, config): """ Produce new configuration by merging ``config`` object into this one""" new = self.__class__({}, parent=self._parent, pwd=self._pwd) new._merge(self) new._merge(config) return new
@property def _root(self): c = self while c._parent is not None: c = c._parent return c # Iterable def __iter__(self): if self.__struct is None: raise ConfigurationError("unconfigured") return iter(self.__struct) # Container def __contains__(self, name): if self.__struct is None: raise ConfigurationError("unconfigured") return name in self.__struct # Sized def __len__(self): if self.__struct is None: raise ConfigurationError("unconfigured") return len(self.__struct) # Mapping def __getitem__(self, name): if self.__struct is None: raise ConfigurationError("unconfigured") data = self.__struct[name] if isinstance(data, dict): return self.__class__(data, parent=self, pwd=self._pwd) return data # MutableMapping def __setitem__(self, name, value): if self.__struct is None: raise ConfigurationError("unconfigured") self.__struct[name] = value if isinstance(value, Configuration): value._parent = self # MutableMapping def __delitem__(self, name): if self.__struct is None: raise ConfigurationError("unconfigured") self.__struct.__delitem__(name) def __getattr__(self, name): return self[name] def _merge(self, config): for k, v in config.items(): if isinstance(v, Mapping) and k in self: if not isinstance(self[k], Mapping): raise ConfigurationError( "unresolveable conflict during merge") self[k]._merge(v) else: self[k] = v def by_ref(self, path, value=None): if path[:2] == "..": path = path[1:] return self._parent.by_ref(path, value) if path[:1] != ".": return self._root.by_ref("." + path, value) path = path[1:] if "." in path: n, path = path.split(".", 1) n = self[n] if isinstance(n, Configuration): return n.by_ref("." + path, value) else: return obj_by_ref(n, path) else: if value is None: return self[path] else: self[path] = value return value def __add__(self, config): return self.merge(config)
[docs] def configure(self, struct=None, _root=True): """ Commit configuration This method performs all actions pending to this ``Configuration`` object. You can also override configuration at this moment by providing mapping object as ``struct`` argument. """ if struct is not None: if isinstance(struct, self.__class__): struct = struct._Configuration__struct self.__struct = struct def _impl(v): if isinstance(v, Directive): return v(self) if isinstance(v, Configuration): return v.configure(_root=False) if isinstance(v, list): for x in v[:]: v[v.index(x)] = _impl(x) return v if _root: if isinstance(self.__struct, Extends): self.__struct = self.__struct( Configuration.from_dict({}, pwd=self._pwd)) for k, v in self.iteritems(): self[k] = _impl(v) return self
def __repr__(self): return repr(self.__struct) __str__ = __repr__ @classmethod
[docs] def from_file(cls, filename, ctx=None, pwd=None, constructors=None, multi_constructors=None, configure=True): """ Construct :class:`.Configuration` object by reading and parsing file ``filename``. :param filename: filename to parse config from :param ctx: mapping object used for value interpolation :param constructors: mapping of names to constructor for custom objects in YAML. Look at `_timedelta_constructor` and `_re_constructor` for examples. """ filename = path.abspath(filename) if pwd is None: pwd = path.dirname(filename) with open(filename, "r") as f: return cls.from_string(, ctx=ctx, pwd=pwd, constructors=constructors, multi_constructors=multi_constructors, configure=configure)
[docs] def from_string(cls, string, ctx=None, pwd=None, constructors=None, multi_constructors=None, configure=True): """ Construct :class:`.Configuration` from ``string``. :param string: string to parse config from :param ctx: mapping object used for value interpolation :param constructors: mapping of names to constructor for custom objects in YAML. Look at `_timedelta_constructor` and `_re_constructor` for examples. """ ctx = ctx or {} ctx['pwd'] = pwd string = string % ctx cfg = cls.load(string, constructors=constructors, multi_constructors=multi_constructors) return cls.from_dict(cfg, pwd=pwd, configure=configure)
[docs] def from_dict(cls, cfg, pwd=None, configure=True): """ Construct :class:`.Configuration` from dict ``d``. :param d: mapping object to use for config """ c = cls(cfg, pwd=pwd) if configure: c.configure() return c
@classmethod def load(cls, stream, constructors=None, multi_constructors=None): loader = Loader(stream) cs = dict(cls._constructors) if constructors: cs.update(constructors) mcs = dict(cls._multi_constructors) if multi_constructors: mcs.update(multi_constructors) if cs: for name, constructor in cs.items(): loader.add_constructor(name, constructor) if mcs: for name, constructor in mcs.items(): loader.add_multi_constructor(name, constructor) try: return loader.get_single_data() finally: loader.dispose() @classmethod def add_constructor(cls, name): if not '_constructors' in cls.__dict__: cls.__dict__['_constructors'] = dict(cls._constructors) cname = '!%s' % name def registration(func): if cname in cls._constructors: raise ValueError("constructor '%s' already exist") cls._constructors[cname] = func return func return registration @classmethod def add_multi_constructor(cls, name): if not '_multi_constructors' in cls.__dict__: cls.__dict__['_multi_constructors'] = dict(cls._multi_constructors) cname = '!%s:' % name def registration(func): if cname in cls._multi_constructors: raise ValueError("multiconstructor '%s' already exist") cls._multi_constructors[cname] = func return func return registration
@Configuration.add_constructor('timedelta') def _timedelta_contructor(loader, node): item = loader.construct_scalar(node) if not isinstance(item, basestring) or not item: raise ConfigurationError( "value '%s' cannot be interpreted as date range" % item) num, typ = item[:-1], item[-1].lower() if not num.isdigit(): raise ConfigurationError( "value '%s' cannot be interpreted as date range" % item) num = int(num) if typ == "d": return timedelta(days=num) elif typ == "h": return timedelta(seconds=num * 3600) elif typ == "w": return timedelta(days=num * 7) elif typ == "m": return timedelta(seconds=num * 60) elif typ == "s": return timedelta(seconds=num) else: raise ConfigurationError( "value '%s' cannot be interpreted as date range" % item) @Configuration.add_constructor('bytesize') def _bytesize_constructor(loader, node): item = loader.construct_scalar(node) if not isinstance(item, basestring) or not item: raise ConfigurationError( "value '%s' cannot be interpreted as byte size" % item) if item.isdigit(): return int(item) # bytes num, typ = item[:-1], item[-1].lower() if item[-2:].lower() in ('kb', 'mb', 'gb', 'tb', 'pb'): num, typ = item[:-2], item[-2:-1].lower() elif item[-1:].lower() in ('k', 'm', 'b', 't', 'p', 'b'): num, typ = item[:-1], item[-1].lower() else: raise ConfigurationError( "value '%s' cannot be interpreted as byte size" % item) if not num.isdigit(): raise ConfigurationError( "value '%s' cannot be interpreted as byte size" % item) num = int(num) if typ == 'b': return num elif typ == 'k': return num * 1024 elif typ == 'm': return num * 1024 * 1024 elif typ == 'g': return num * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 elif typ == 't': return num * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 elif typ == 'p': return num * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 else: raise ConfigurationError( "value '%s' cannot be interpreted as byte size" % item) @Configuration.add_constructor('re') def _re_constructor(loader, node): item = loader.construct_scalar(node) if not isinstance(item, basestring) or not item: raise ConfigurationError( "value '%s' cannot be interpreted as regular expression" % item) return re_compile(item) @Configuration.add_constructor('directory') def _directory_constructor(loader, node): item = loader.construct_scalar(node) if not path.exists(item): mkdir(item) elif not path.isdir(item): raise ConfigurationError("'%s' is not a directory" % item) return item class Directive(object): def __call__(self, ctx): raise NotImplementedError() class Ref(Directive): def __init__(self, ref): self.ref = ref def __call__(self, ctx): o = ctx.by_ref(self.ref) if isinstance(o, Factory): return ctx.by_ref(self.ref, o(ctx)) return o def __str__(self): return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.ref) __repr__ = __str__ @Configuration.add_multi_constructor('ref') def _ref_constructor(loader, tag, node): return Ref(tag) class Factory(Directive): def __init__(self, factory, config): self.factory = factory self.config = config def __call__(self, ctx): config = dict(self.config) factory = self.factory if isinstance(factory, basestring): try: factory = import_string(factory) except ImportStringError as e: raise ConfigurationError("cannot import factory: %s" % e) if isinstance(factory, FunctionType): argspec = getargspec(factory) elif isinstance(factory, type): argspec = getargspec(factory.__init__) argspec = argspec._replace(args=argspec.args[1:]) args = [] kwargs = {} pos_cut = len(argspec.args) - len(argspec.defaults or []) for a in argspec.args[:pos_cut]: if not a in config: raise ConfigurationError( "missing '%s' argument for %s" % (a, factory)) arg = config.pop(a) if isinstance(arg, Directive): arg = arg(ctx) args.append(arg) for a in argspec.args[pos_cut:]: if a in config: arg = config.pop(a) if isinstance(arg, Directive): arg = arg(ctx) kwargs[a] = arg if argspec.keywords: for k in config.keys(): arg = config.pop(k) if isinstance(arg, Directive): arg = arg(ctx) kwargs[k] = arg if config: raise ConfigurationError( "extra arguments '%s' found for %s" % (config, factory)) return factory(*args, **kwargs) def __str__(self): return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.factory) __repr__ = __str__ @Configuration.add_multi_constructor('factory') def _factory_constructor(loader, tag, node): if node.value: item = loader.construct_mapping(node, deep=True) return Factory(tag, item) else: return Factory(tag, {}) class Obj(Directive): def __init__(self, obj): self.obj = obj def __call__(self, ctx): try: return import_string(self.obj) except ImportStringError as e: raise ConfigurationError("cannot import obj: %s" % e) @Configuration.add_multi_constructor('obj') def _obj_constructor(loader, tag, node): return Obj(tag) class Include(Directive): def __init__(self, filename): self.filename = filename def __call__(self, ctx): return Configuration.from_file(path.join(ctx._pwd, self.filename)) @Configuration.add_multi_constructor('include') def _include_constructor(loader, tag, node): return Include(tag) class Extends(Directive): def __init__(self, filename, config): self.filename = filename self.config = config def __call__(self, ctx): sup = Configuration.from_file(path.join(ctx._pwd, self.filename)) cfg = Configuration.from_dict(self.config) return sup + cfg def __iter__(self): return iter(self.config) def __getitem__(self, name): return self.config[name] def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self.config, name) def __contains__(self, name): return name in self.config @Configuration.add_multi_constructor('extends') def _extends_constructor(loader, tag, node): item = loader.construct_mapping(node, deep=True) return Extends(tag, item) @Configuration.add_constructor('logging') def _logging_constructor(loader, node): config = loader.construct_mapping(node, deep=True) disable_existing_loggers = config.pop('disable_existing_loggers', False) configure_logging(config, disable_existing_loggers=disable_existing_loggers)
[docs]def import_string(import_name, silent=False): """Imports an object based on a string. This is useful if you want to use import paths as endpoints or something similar. An import path can be specified either in dotted notation (``xml.sax.saxutils.escape``) or with a colon as object delimiter (``xml.sax.saxutils:escape``). If `silent` is True the return value will be `None` if the import fails. For better debugging we recommend the new :func:`import_module` function to be used instead. :param import_name: the dotted name for the object to import. :param silent: if set to `True` import errors are ignored and `None` is returned instead. :return: imported object :copyright: (c) 2011 by the Werkzeug Team """ # force the import name to automatically convert to strings if isinstance(import_name, unicode): import_name = str(import_name) try: if ':' in import_name: module, obj = import_name.split(':', 1) elif '.' in import_name: module, obj = import_name.rsplit('.', 1) else: return __import__(import_name) # __import__ is not able to handle unicode strings in the fromlist # if the module is a package if isinstance(obj, unicode): obj = obj.encode('utf-8') try: return getattr(__import__(module, None, None, [obj]), obj) except (ImportError, AttributeError): # support importing modules not yet set up by the parent module # (or package for that matter) modname = module + '.' + obj __import__(modname) return sys.modules[modname] except ImportError, e: if not silent: raise ImportStringError(import_name, e), None, sys.exc_info()[2]
[docs]class ImportStringError(ImportError): """Provides information about a failed :func:`import_string` attempt. :copyright: (c) 2011 by the Werkzeug Team """ #: String in dotted notation that failed to be imported. import_name = None #: Wrapped exception. exception = None def __init__(self, import_name, exception): self.import_name = import_name self.exception = exception msg = ( 'import_string() failed for %r. Possible reasons are:\n\n' '- missing in a package;\n' '- package or module path not included in sys.path;\n' '- duplicated package or module name taking precedence in ' 'sys.path;\n' '- missing module, class, function or variable;\n\n' 'Debugged import:\n\n%s\n\n' 'Original exception:\n\n%s: %s') name = '' tracked = [] for part in import_name.replace(':', '.').split('.'): name += (name and '.') + part imported = import_string(name, silent=True) if imported: tracked.append((name, imported.__file__)) else: track = ['- %r found in %r.' % (n, i) for n, i in tracked] track.append('- %r not found.' % name) msg = msg % (import_name, '\n'.join(track), exception.__class__.__name__, str(exception)) break ImportError.__init__(self, msg) def __repr__(self): return '<%s(%r, %r)>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.import_name, self.exception)
def format_config(config, _lvl=0): indent = " " * _lvl buf = "" for k, v in sorted(config.items()): buf += "%s%s:\n" % (indent, k) if isinstance(v, Configuration): buf += format_config(v, _lvl + 1) else: buf += "%s%s\n" % (" " * (_lvl + 1), v) return buf def print_config(config): print format_config(config) def obj_by_ref(o, path): for s in path.split("."): o = getattr(o, s) return o
[docs]def configure_logging(logcfg=None, disable_existing_loggers=True): """ Configure logging in a sane way :param logcfg: may be a. a dict suitable for :func:`logging.config.dictConfig`, b. "syslog" string or c. None :param disable_existing_loggers: if we need to disable existing loggers """ if logcfg is not None: if logcfg == "syslog": logcfg = { "handlers": { "syslog": { "class": "logging.handlers.SysLogHandler", "formatter": "precise", } }, "root": { "handlers": ["syslog"], "level": "NOTSET", } } else: logcfg = {} logcfg = dict(logcfg) if not "version" in logcfg: logcfg["version"] = 1 if not "disable_existing_loggers" in logcfg: logcfg["disable_existing_loggers"] = disable_existing_loggers # formatters if not "formatters" in logcfg: logcfg["formatters"] = {} if not "brief" in logcfg["formatters"]: logcfg["formatters"]["brief"] = { "format": "%(message)s", } if not "precise" in logcfg["formatters"]: logcfg["formatters"]["precise"] = { "format": "%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(name)-15s %(message)s", } # handlers if not "root" in logcfg: logcfg["root"] = { "handlers": ["console"], "level": "NOTSET", } if not "handlers" in logcfg: logcfg["handlers"] = {} if not "syslog" in logcfg["handlers"]: logcfg["handlers"]["syslog"] = { "class": "logging.handlers.SysLogHandler", "formatter": "precise", "level": "NOTSET", } if not "console" in logcfg["handlers"]: logcfg["handlers"]["console"] = { "class": "logging.StreamHandler", "formatter": "precise", "level": "NOTSET", } from logging.config import dictConfig dictConfig(logcfg)