Source code for rocon_python_utils.system.popen

# License: BSD
# Description

.. module:: system.popen
   :platform: Unix
   :synopsis: Workaround a few of the constrations in the official popen impl.

This module helps workaround the official popen with another implementation
that solves a few problems (post-exec callbacks, etc)



# Imports

# system
import os
import threading
import subprocess
import signal

# Subprocess

[docs]class Popen(object): ''' Use this if you want to attach a postexec function to popen (which is not supported by popen at all). It also defaults setting and terminating whole process groups (something we do quite often in ros). **Usage:** This is what you'd do starting a rosrunnable with a listener for termination. .. code-block:: python def process_listener(): print("subprocess terminating") command_args = ['rosrun', package_name, rosrunnable_filename, '__name:=my_node'] process = rocon_python_utils.system.Popen(command_args, postexec_fn=process_listener) ''' __slots__ = [ 'pid', '_proc', '_thread', '_external_preexec_fn', '_shell', '_env', 'terminate' ]
[docs] def __init__(self, popen_args, shell=False, preexec_fn=None, postexec_fn=None, env=None): ''' :param popen_args: list/tuple of usual popen args :type popen_args: str[] :param bool shell: same as the shell argument passed to subprocess.Popen :param preexec_fn: usual popen pre-exec function :type preexec_fn: method with no args :param postexec_fn: the callback which we support for postexec. :type postexec_fn: method with no args :param dict env: a customised environment to run the process in. ''' = None self._proc = None self._shell = shell self._env = env self._external_preexec_fn = preexec_fn self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._run_in_thread, args=(popen_args, self._preexec_fn, postexec_fn)) self._thread.start()
[docs] def send_signal(self, sig): """ Send the process a posix signal. See `man 7 signal` for a list and pass them by keyword (e.g. signal.SIGINT) or directly by integer value. :param int sig: one of the posix signals. """ os.killpg(, sig)
# This would be the normal way if not defaulting settings for process groups #self._proc.send_signal(sig) def _preexec_fn(self): """ A default preexec function that is usually applicable in terminal launching situations since we need to take care of process groups. See for some interesting information around this topic, specifically with resolving signal forwarding and use of preexec - there are some differences between 2.x and 3.2+ handling in subprocess. """ os.setpgrp() if self._external_preexec_fn is not None: self._external_preexec_fn()
[docs] def terminate(self): ''' :raises: :exc:`.OSError` if the process has already shut down. ''' return os.killpg(, signal.SIGTERM)
# if we were not setting process groups #return self._proc.terminate() if self._proc is not None else None def _run_in_thread(self, popen_args, preexec_fn, postexec_fn): ''' Worker function for the thread, creates the subprocess itself. ''' if preexec_fn is not None: if self._shell == True: #print("rocon_python_utils.os.Popen: %s" % " ".join(popen_args)) self._proc = subprocess.Popen(" ".join(popen_args), shell=True, preexec_fn=preexec_fn, env=self._env) else: #print("rocon_python_utils.os..Popen: %s" % popen_args) self._proc = subprocess.Popen(popen_args, shell=self._shell, preexec_fn=preexec_fn, env=self._env) else: self._proc = subprocess.Popen(popen_args, shell=self._shell, env=self._env) = self._proc.wait() if postexec_fn is not None: postexec_fn() return