Go to the documentation of this file.
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 #
3 # License: BSD
4 #
5 #
6 ##############################################################################
7 # Imports
8 ##############################################################################
10 import rospy
11 import rocon_gateway
12 import rocon_console.console as console
13 from gateway_msgs.msg import ConnectionType
14 import sys
15 import itertools
16 import rosgraph
18 ##############################################################################
19 # Main
20 ##############################################################################
21 #
22 # get_system_state retrieves lists of the form
23 # [ [topic1, [node1, ...]], [topic2, [node3, ...]], ... ]
24 # subscriber example
25 # ['/d/chatter', ['/d/talker']]
26 # {'subscriber': [{subscriber, name: /d/chatter, node: /d/listener, uri: http://snorriheim:58916/, topic_type: std_msgs/String}
27 # service example:
28 # ['/b/add_two_ints', ['/b/add_two_ints_server']]
29 # {service, name: /b/add_two_ints, node: /b/add_two_ints_server, uri: http://snorriheim:51256/, service_api: rosrpc://snorriheim:42463}
30 # action client example:
31 # ['/a/fibonacci', ['/a/fibonacci_client']]
32 # {action_client, name: /a/fibonacci, node: /a/fibonacci_client, uri: http://snorriheim:58280/, topic_type: actionlib_tutorials/Fibonacci}
33 # action server example
34 # ['/d/fibonacci_server', ['/d/fibonacci_server']]
35 # {action_server, name: /a/fibonacci_server, node: /a/fibonacci_server, uri: http://snorriheim:60001/, topic_type: actionlib_tutorials/Fibonacci}
37 if __name__ == '__main__':
38  rospy.init_node('bench_master_api')
39  master = rosgraph.Master(rospy.get_name())
40  connection_cache = rocon_gateway.ConnectionCache(master.getSystemState)
41  times = {}
42  names = ['start_time', 'get_system_state', 'extract_action_servers', 'extract_action_clients', 'get_pubs', 'get_subs', 'get_services', 'get_action_servers', 'get_action_clients']
43  for name in names:
44  times[name] = 0.0
45  while not rospy.is_shutdown():
46  try:
47  connections = {}
48  times['start_time'] = rospy.get_time() # float version
49  publishers, subscribers, services = connection_cache._get_system_state()
50  times['get_system_state'] = rospy.get_time()
51  action_servers, publishers, subscribers = connection_cache._get_action_servers(publishers, subscribers)
52  times['extract_action_servers'] = rospy.get_time()
53  action_clients, publishers, subscribers = connection_cache._get_action_clients(publishers, subscribers)
54  times['extract_action_clients'] = rospy.get_time()
55  connections[ConnectionType.PUBLISHER] = connection_cache._get_connections_from_pub_sub_list(publishers, ConnectionType.PUBLISHER)
56  times['get_pubs'] = rospy.get_time()
57  connections[ConnectionType.SUBSCRIBER] = connection_cache._get_connections_from_pub_sub_list(subscribers, ConnectionType.SUBSCRIBER)
58  times['get_subs'] = rospy.get_time()
59  connections[ConnectionType.SERVICE] = connection_cache._get_connections_from_service_list(services, ConnectionType.SERVICE)
60  times['get_services'] = rospy.get_time()
61  connections[ConnectionType.ACTION_SERVER] = connection_cache._get_connections_from_action_list(action_servers, ConnectionType.ACTION_SERVER)
62  times['get_action_servers'] = rospy.get_time()
63  connections[ConnectionType.ACTION_CLIENT] = connection_cache._get_connections_from_action_list(action_clients, ConnectionType.ACTION_CLIENT)
64  times['get_action_clients'] = rospy.get_time()
65  print(console.bold + "Benchmarks" + console.reset)
66  for i in range(1, len(names)):
67  print(console.cyan + " %s: " % names[i] + console.yellow + "%s" % (times[names[i]] - times[names[i-1]]) + console.reset)
68  print( + " total_time: " + console.magenta + "%s" % (times[names[-1]] - times[names[0]]) + console.reset)
69  except Exception as e:
70  print( + "Lost contact with the master [%s][%s]" % (str(e), type(e)) + console.reset)
71  break

Author(s): Daniel Stonier, Jihoon Lee, Piyush Khandelwal
autogenerated on Mon Jun 10 2019 14:40:15