This is the complete list of members for QwtPlot, including all inherited members.
applyProperties(const QString &) | QwtPlot | |
attachItem(QwtPlotItem *, bool) | QwtPlot | private |
autoDelete() const | QwtPlotDict | |
autoRefresh() | QwtPlot | slot |
autoReplot | QwtPlot | |
autoReplot() const | QwtPlot | |
Axis enum name | QwtPlot | |
axisAutoScale(int axisId) const | QwtPlot | |
axisCnt enum value | QwtPlot | |
axisEnabled(int axisId) const | QwtPlot | |
axisFont(int axisId) const | QwtPlot | |
axisInterval(int axisId) const | QwtPlot | |
axisMaxMajor(int axisId) const | QwtPlot | |
axisMaxMinor(int axisId) const | QwtPlot | |
axisScaleDiv(int axisId) const | QwtPlot | |
axisScaleDraw(int axisId) const | QwtPlot | |
axisScaleDraw(int axisId) | QwtPlot | |
axisScaleEngine(int axisId) | QwtPlot | |
axisScaleEngine(int axisId) const | QwtPlot | |
axisStepSize(int axisId) const | QwtPlot | |
axisTitle(int axisId) const | QwtPlot | |
axisValid(int axisId) | QwtPlot | protectedstatic |
axisWidget(int axisId) const | QwtPlot | |
axisWidget(int axisId) | QwtPlot | |
BottomLegend enum value | QwtPlot | |
canvas() | QwtPlot | |
canvas() const | QwtPlot | |
canvasBackground | QwtPlot | |
canvasBackground() const | QwtPlot | |
canvasMap(int axisId) const | QwtPlot | virtual |
d_axisData | QwtPlot | private |
d_data | QwtPlot | private |
deleteAxesData() | QwtPlot | private |
detachItems(int rtti=QwtPlotItem::Rtti_PlotItem, bool autoDelete=true) | QwtPlotDict | |
drawCanvas(QPainter *) | QwtPlot | virtual |
drawItems(QPainter *, const QRectF &, const QwtScaleMap maps[axisCnt]) const | QwtPlot | virtual |
enableAxis(int axisId, bool tf=true) | QwtPlot | |
event(QEvent *) QWT_OVERRIDE | QwtPlot | virtual |
eventFilter(QObject *, QEvent *) QWT_OVERRIDE | QwtPlot | virtual |
footer() const | QwtPlot | |
footerLabel() | QwtPlot | |
footerLabel() const | QwtPlot | |
getCanvasMarginsHint(const QwtScaleMap maps[], const QRectF &canvasRect, double &left, double &top, double &right, double &bottom) const | QwtPlot | virtual |
grabProperties() const | QwtPlot | |
infoToItem(const QVariant &) const | QwtPlot | virtual |
initAxesData() | QwtPlot | private |
initPlot(const QwtText &title) | QwtPlot | private |
insertItem(QwtPlotItem *) | QwtPlotDict | protected |
insertLegend(QwtAbstractLegend *, LegendPosition=QwtPlot::RightLegend, double ratio=-1.0) | QwtPlot | |
invTransform(int axisId, int pos) const | QwtPlot | |
itemAttached(QwtPlotItem *plotItem, bool on) | QwtPlot | signal |
itemList() const | QwtPlotDict | |
itemList(int rtti) const | QwtPlotDict | |
itemToInfo(QwtPlotItem *) const | QwtPlot | virtual |
LeftLegend enum value | QwtPlot | |
legend() | QwtPlot | |
legend() const | QwtPlot | |
legendDataChanged(const QVariant &itemInfo, const QList< QwtLegendData > &data) | QwtPlot | signal |
LegendPosition enum name | QwtPlot | |
minimumSizeHint() const QWT_OVERRIDE | QwtPlot | virtual |
plotLayout() | QwtPlot | |
plotLayout() const | QwtPlot | |
QwtPlot(QWidget *=NULL) | QwtPlot | explicit |
QwtPlot(const QwtText &title, QWidget *=NULL) | QwtPlot | explicit |
QwtPlotDict() | QwtPlotDict | explicit |
QwtPlotItem class | QwtPlot | friend |
removeItem(QwtPlotItem *) | QwtPlotDict | protected |
replot() | QwtPlot | virtualslot |
resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *) QWT_OVERRIDE | QwtPlot | protectedvirtual |
RightLegend enum value | QwtPlot | |
setAutoDelete(bool) | QwtPlotDict | |
setAutoReplot(bool=true) | QwtPlot | |
setAxisAutoScale(int axisId, bool on=true) | QwtPlot | |
setAxisFont(int axisId, const QFont &) | QwtPlot | |
setAxisLabelAlignment(int axisId, Qt::Alignment) | QwtPlot | |
setAxisLabelRotation(int axisId, double rotation) | QwtPlot | |
setAxisMaxMajor(int axisId, int maxMajor) | QwtPlot | |
setAxisMaxMinor(int axisId, int maxMinor) | QwtPlot | |
setAxisScale(int axisId, double min, double max, double stepSize=0) | QwtPlot | |
setAxisScaleDiv(int axisId, const QwtScaleDiv &) | QwtPlot | |
setAxisScaleDraw(int axisId, QwtScaleDraw *) | QwtPlot | |
setAxisScaleEngine(int axisId, QwtScaleEngine *) | QwtPlot | |
setAxisTitle(int axisId, const QString &) | QwtPlot | |
setAxisTitle(int axisId, const QwtText &) | QwtPlot | |
setCanvas(QWidget *) | QwtPlot | |
setCanvasBackground(const QBrush &) | QwtPlot | |
setFooter(const QString &) | QwtPlot | |
setFooter(const QwtText &) | QwtPlot | |
setPlotLayout(QwtPlotLayout *) | QwtPlot | |
setTitle(const QString &) | QwtPlot | |
setTitle(const QwtText &) | QwtPlot | |
sizeHint() const QWT_OVERRIDE | QwtPlot | virtual |
title() const | QwtPlot | |
titleLabel() | QwtPlot | |
titleLabel() const | QwtPlot | |
TopLegend enum value | QwtPlot | |
transform(int axisId, double value) const | QwtPlot | |
updateAxes() | QwtPlot | |
updateCanvasMargins() | QwtPlot | |
updateLayout() | QwtPlot | virtual |
updateLegend() | QwtPlot | |
updateLegend(const QwtPlotItem *) | QwtPlot | |
updateLegendItems(const QVariant &itemInfo, const QList< QwtLegendData > &legendData) | QwtPlot | privateslot |
updateScaleDiv() | QwtPlot | private |
xBottom enum value | QwtPlot | |
xTop enum value | QwtPlot | |
yLeft enum value | QwtPlot | |
yRight enum value | QwtPlot | |
~QwtPlot() | QwtPlot | virtual |
~QwtPlotDict() | QwtPlotDict | virtual |