23 import tty, termios, sys
24 from geometry_msgs.msg
import Twist
25 rospy.init_node(
26 roslib.load_manifest(
43 rotationalDirection = 0
46 pub = rospy.Publisher(
'cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=10)
49 while(keyPress != KEY_Q)
and (keyPress != KEY_Q2):
51 print " - Wainting for key press \n" 52 print " > Arrows = move robot \n" 53 print " > +/- = change speed \n" 54 print " > q = quit \n" 58 fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
59 old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
61 tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno())
62 ch = sys.stdin.read(1)
64 termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)
69 if (keyPress == KEY_UP):
72 print " >> Move forward at speed " + str(speed) +
" for " + str(MOVE_TIME) +
" sec\n" 73 elif (keyPress == KEY_DOWN):
76 print " >> Move backward at speed " + str(speed) +
" for " + str(MOVE_TIME) +
" sec\n" 77 elif (keyPress == KEY_LEFT):
78 rotationalDirection = 1
80 print " >> Turn left at speed " + str(speed) +
" for " + str(MOVE_TIME) +
" sec\n" 81 elif (keyPress == KEY_RIGHT):
82 rotationalDirection = -1
84 print " >> Turn Right at speed " + str(speed) +
" for " + str(MOVE_TIME) +
" sec\n" 85 elif (keyPress == KEY_PLUS)
and (speed < MAX_SPEED):
87 print " >> Set speed to " + str(speed) +
"\n" 88 elif (keyPress == KEY_PLUS):
89 print " >> Maximum speed value already reached : " + str(MAX_SPEED)
90 elif (keyPress == KEY_MINUS)
and (speed > 0.1):
92 print " >> Set speed to " + str(speed) +
"\n" 93 elif (keyPress == KEY_MINUS):
94 print " >> Minimum speed value already reached : 0.1" 97 if (speed > MAX_ROTATIONAL_SPEED):
98 rotationalSpeed = MAX_ROTATIONAL_SPEED
100 rotationalSpeed = speed
103 twist.linear.x = linearDirection * speed
104 twist.angular.z = rotationalDirection * rotationalSpeed
108 while(t2-t1 < MOVE_TIME):
117 rotationalSpeed = 0.0
119 rotationalDirection = 0